Reference Products for Environment and Trade

The IAEA provides reference materials (RMs) to laboratories world-wide to assist them in the quality assurance of the results they obtain by nuclear analytical techniques. More than 90 different reference materials are distributed by the Agency. Each of these is characterised for analytes belonging to one of the following groups: Radionuclides, Trace Elements and Methyl Mercury, Organic Compounds, Stable Isotopes. The IAEA is the world's largest supplier of matrix reference materials characterised for radionuclides. Some of the IAEA reference materials characterized for isotope ratios are at the highest metrological level as international measurement standards.

Reference Materials Catalogue

Reference materials characterized for:

Documentation for Reference Materials that are no longer available

Note:  For general inquiries, please continue to use our contact point at:



The IAEA laboratories responsible for the production of certified reference materials (CRMs) for activity concentration measurements of radionuclides are the Terrestrial Environmental Radiochemistry Laboratory in Seibersdorf, and the Radiometrics Laboratory in Monaco. These laboratories maintain a joint quality management system in accordance with the International Standard ISO 17034:2016.  

As of 2022, both laboratories are accredited producers of selected certified reference materials for activity concentration measurements of radionuclides. The accreditation certificate [download PDF] and current scope of accreditation [download PDF] can be viewed here. The CRMs currently covered by the scope of accreditation are listed in a separate table here. The certificates of these CRMs carry the accreditation mark with the accreditation reference number on the first page of the certificate. Not all IAEA Certified Reference Materials (CRMs) for radionuclide activity concentrations are within the scope of accreditation. 

Proficiency Tests

Please find the proficiency test program at: link


Mission Statement

To assist IAEA Member State laboratories to enhance the reliability and comparability of measurement results obtained by nuclear analytical techniques through the provision of reference materials and validated analytical procedures, training in the use of nuclear analytical techniques, and organization of worldwide and regional interlaboratory comparisons and proficiency tests.

Featured products

IAEA-TERC-2025-01 Application

Application for the IAEA-TERC-2025-01 world wide proficiency test