Welcome to the world-wide Interactive Map of Neutron Beam Instruments, developed and maintained by the IAEA Physics Section. This data base intends to provide a broad overview of neutron beam instruments operated at both research reactor- and accelerator-based neutron sources. All information was either received from the organizations operating these facilities or it was collected from different publicly accessible sources. It undergoes a process of only 'light review' by our physics team.
*To obtain more specific information about neutron imaging or scattering instruments, please click on the relevant green tabs at the very top. Other navigation tips are provided at the bottom of the page.
About the data base
In the present configuration, the neutron beam instruments are organized into 2 main categories:
- Neutron Imaging Instruments
- Neutron Scattering Instruments
For each facility, additional information can be visualized by clicking on the specific category (green tab along the top), then either on specific sub-category (blue tab) or on the map-located facility marker. When available, the specific facility hosted website can be accessed by clicking on 'Go to Website'.
The statistics provided can also be used as filters by clicking on a specific variable/number. It is also possible to filter per country by choosing each country from the tables. Immediately underneath the map is a selection menu labelled Neutron Spectrum, which can be used to filter the list of instruments.
Along the top of the Neutron Scattering Instruments database, the instruments can be broadly filtered into Diffractometer, Spectrometer, and Other. Underneath the map is a finer classification of instruments and a distribution of instrument type per facility.
Along the top of the Neutron Imaging Instruments database are statistics regarding the type of neutron source on which the instruments are located, and underneath the map is more information on the instruments themselves.
Useful Tips
- Click on the icon at the bottom of the map to reset the filters.
- Click on the icon inside the map to reset the map view.
- Click the cursor over the individual facility marker to access additional facility info.
- When available, click on 'Go to Website' to launch the facility hosted website.
- Use the statistics and tables as filters.
- 'Ctrl+click' to select two or more filters.
Contact us
The IAEA Physics team is interested in feedback on this data base. Please send comments or update requests to: Physics-DB at iaea.org