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Interested in beamtime for Ion Beam Analysis? It is possible through the IAEA!

The G42008 Coordinated Research Project “Facilitating Experiments with Ion Beam Accelerators” aims at facilitating researchers from countries not having ion beam analysis (IBA) accelerator facilities to perform experiments in such facilities abroad. When duly justified, the CRP may also support scientists from countries hosting IBA accelerator facilities, which, however, do not offer those setups and experimental conditions necessary to conduct their research.

Researchers interested for a Research Contract should submit their proposal by email to the IAEA’s Research Contracts Administration Section, using the appropriate template on the CRA website. The submitted proposals will be evaluated by the scientific secretaries of the CRP. As a rule, researchers interested in the CRP are expected to perform experiments at accelerator facilities located geographically at the closest distance from their home institutions.

For a positive evaluation of their proposal, applicants should attach a notification (e-mail or letter signed by the contact person of the IBA accelerator facility), where the experiments will be conducted. The notification should confirm that the proposed experiments have been approved by the facility and provide with a tentative date for the measurements. This information is mandatory to proceed with the research contract allocation and payment of the financial support. The support will be provided as a lump sum and we encourage you to take/send to experiments young researches (MSc, PhD students) who may use the measurements for their thesis work.

The IAEA financial support is expected to be used for travelling, accommodation and daily allowances during experiment. Expenditures for lab equipment will not be covered by the contract.

The IBA facilities officially participating in the CRP as beam-providing host laboratories are listed below, together with the types of accelerators and experimental setups they offer to users. Researchers interested in performing measurements in these facilities should address their requests directly to the corresponding contact persons and prior to submission of their research project proposals to the IAEA.

For any further questions do not hesitate to contact responsible IAEA Scientific Secretaries: Natko Skukan and Sotirios Charisopoulos

Approved IBA host facilities within the CRP:


Host Organization

National Atomic Energy Commission of Argentina (CNEA)


Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO)


Instituto de Fisica, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Laboratory of Analysis of Materials with Ion Beams, Instituto de Física da Universidade de São Paulo


Ruder Boskovic Institute (RBI)


National Center of Scientific Research “Demokritos”


National Council for Scientific Research (CNRS)


Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México (UNAM)


National Centre for Physics

South Africa

iThemba LABS


Universidad de Sevilla

List of IBA facilities within the CRP:

National Atomic Energy Commission of Argentina (CNEA)

  1. TANDEM 1.7 MV / Max. Proton Energy: 3.4 MeV
         PIXE, RBS, ERDA, NRA
  2. KEVATRITO Irradiation Facility.
    • H+, H2+, He+ and He2+ with energies in the range 2-100 keV
    • Ne (+ and ++) with energies between 2 and 70 keV
    • Ar (+ and ++) with energies between 2 and 35 keV
    • Kr (+ and ++) with energies between 2 and 15 keV
  3. KEVAVRITO, ion-accelerator Laboratory.
The contact person is Dr. Raúl Barrachina.
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ANSTO, Australia

  1. The 10 MV ANTARES tandem accelerator with its three ion sources and two beamlines for Ion Beam Modification of Materials (IBMM) and Ion Beam Analysis (IBA), i.e. a heavy ion implantation, ToF ERDA beamline and a heavy ion microprobe.
  2. The 6 MV SIRIUS tandem accelerator with its three ion sources two beamlines for IBMM and IBA, i.e. surface engineering dual beamline and heavy ion microprobe.
  3. The 2 MV STAR Tandetron accelerator with its dual ion source and its multi-purpose total IBA beamline (for PIXE/PIGE, RBS and PESA techniques).
  4. A low energy Ion Implanter (LEII) and the High Energy Ion Implantation facilities.
The contact person is Dr. Zeljko Pastuovic.
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Instituto de Fisica, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

  1. 3 MV Tandetron for Proton Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE), Rutherford Backscattering (RBS), micro-PIXE, and Elastic Recoil, Detection Analysis (ERDA).
  2. Two ion implanters of 250 kV and 500 kV.
  3. Medium Energy Ion Scattering (MEIS) system.
The contact person is Dr. Pedro Luis Grande.
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Laboratory of Analysis of Materials with Ion Beams, Instituto de Física da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil

  1. 1.7 MV Tandem-Pelletron Accelerator with two ion sources: SNICS 11 sputter source and an Alphatross for He beams.
  2. In vacuum RBS setup. He or proton beam (eventually Li, C or Si).
  3. In vacuum dedicated PIXE: in vacuum P IXE chamber with two Si(Li) detectors, thick target charging control; sample tilting possible.
  4. External beam setup (0.2 - 1.0 mm diameter proton beam) equipped with: Two Amptek Si-PIN X-ray detectors, Ocean optics vis-UV light detector for IBIL, HpGe 20% for X-rays and gamma ray detection, Vis CAM for image pixelization, Laser beam for machine vision and focusing.
The contact person is Dr. Tiago Fiorini da Silva .
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Ruder Boskovic Institute (RBI), Croatia

  1. 6 MV EN Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator with RF source with charge exchange for He ions and multi-cathode sputtering ion source for variety of ion species (H, Li, B, C, 0, Si, Cl,Cu, Br, Au, etc.).
  2. 1 MV Tandetron accelerator with duoplasmatron source with charge exchange (for negative He ions) and single cathode sputtering ion source used for other ions (typically H, Li, C, 0, Si, and heavier).
  3. Nuclear microprobe facility with HR PIXE extension.
  4. Nuclear reactions scattering chamber.
  5. RBS channelling beam line.
  6. ToF ERDA with capillary microbeam extension with MeV SIMS spectrometer.
  7. Dual beam Irradiation chamber.
  8. Dual microbeam facility with PIGE spectroscopy.
  9. In air PIXE.
  10. PIXE/RBS end station.
The contact person is Dr. Zdravko Siketic.

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National Center of Scientific Research “Demokritos”

  1. A 4-pi 12''x12'' NaI summing crystal ideal for capture reaction studies and resonant-PIGE Hydrogen profiling (available from mid 2020).
  2. An Oxford microbeam setup equipped with detectors for RBS, NRA, PIXE and PIGE analysis.
  3. A channelling chamber equipped with a four-axis computer-controlled goniometer equipped with SSB detectors for channelling and RBS/NRA millibeam measurements.
  4. A PIXE chamber for in-vacuum measurements, equipped with two (2) SiLi detectors for the low and high energy X-ray detection.
  5. A rotatable turntable capable of hosting up to four (4) High Purity Germanium detectors for gamma-ray angular distribution measurements. The same setup is also used for PIGE analysis.
  6. A large scattering chamber with two externally operated turntables of great angular accuracy (0.1 deg.) suitable for angular distribution measurements of scattered particles. A variety of SSB detectors exists that can be mounted in various angles.
  7. The neutron beam-line for delivering quasi-monoenergetic neutron beams of 4.0 to 20.5 MeV through the 2H(d,n)3He and 3H(d,n)4He nuclear reactions with fluxes of up to 10^6 and 10^5 n/cm2/s respectively.
  8. Ion iRradiation (IR2) facility with In-situ electrical Resistivity measurement which is dedicated to radiation damage studies, allowing irradiation of materials down to cryogenic temperatures (target temperature range 4 K – 300 K). The facility is being utilized for radiation damage studies of fusion materials.
The contact person is Dr. Anastasios Lagogiannis.
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National Council for Scientific Research (CNRS), Lebanon

  1. 1.7 MV Pelletron Accelerator with RF and duoplasmatron ion sources.
  2. PIXE-PIGE-RBS beam line with scattering chamber.
  3. External beam line for micro-PIXE measurements with scanning system.
The contact person is Dr. Mohamad Roumie.
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Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México (UNAM)

  1. 1MV AMS Tandetron Accelerator with its mass separating components and its supporting laboratories for cleaning and extraction of carbon from original samples and graphitzation.
  2. 5.5 MV CN-Van de Graaff accelerator (standard ion beams as well as possibility to produce deuteron beams).
  3. Experimental setups for Nuclear Reaction Analysis (NRA), Rutherford Backscattering Studies (RBS), Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE), Energy Recoil Detection Analysis (ERDA).
The contact person is Dr. Corina Solis Rosales.

National Centre for Physics, Pakistan

  1. Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS).
  2. Elastic (non-Rutherford) Backscattering Spectrometry (EBS).
  3. Particle Induced X-Ray Emission (PIXE).
  4. Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis (ERDA).
  5. Channelling.
  6. Nuclear Reaction Analysis (NRA).
  7. Particle Induced Gama-ray Emission (PIGE).
  8. Ion Beam induced Luminescence (IBIL).
  9. Charged-particle irradiations.
The contact person is Dr. Ishaq Ahmad.
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iThemba LABS Laboratory for Accelerator-Based Sciences, South Africa

  1. The 3 MV Tandetron accelerator with its ion sources for protons, alpha particles and heavy ions.
  2. Two beamlines for IBA hosting an Oxford Nuclear Microprobe and Rutherford Backscattering Chamber
  3. Experimental setups for: Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS), Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis (ERDA), Particle Induced X-Ray Emission (PIXE) 
The contact person is Dr. Christopher Bongani Mtshali.


Universidad de Sevilla, Spain

  1. 200 kV Accelerator Mass Spectrometer (MICADAS) for high resolution 14C analyses (AMS).
  2. 1 MV Accelerator Mass Spectrometer for the analysis of the 10Be, 14C, 26Al, 41Ca, 129I isotopes and Actinides.
  3. 3 MV Tandem accelerator and its experimental setups for the EBS, PIXE/PIGE, NRA and ERDA techniques.
  4. Sample preparation laboratories for IBA and AMS.
The contact person is Dr. Francisco Javier Ferrer Fernandez.
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