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Heritage Outreach and Impact


​​Promoting the safe use of accelerator-based techniques for the study and preservation of cultural heritage through its global networks and ​partners is a key priority for the IAEA ​​.​

​​Learn more about our outreach efforts below.​​​​​​


​​​​​​Outreach Efforts and Events

​​​IAEA Webinar series on
Nuclear Analytical Techniques for World Heritage

​This webinar series focuses on activities from IAEA Collaborating Centres and other partners in the field of Heritage Science, involving both science and humanities. 

​​​The format is a series of 3 talks (20 minutes each), followed by a 30 minutes Q&A at the end.​


Webinar n°6: Announced soon


​​Webinar n°5: Highlights from France



​​​Webinar n°4: Highlights from Latin America


​​​​​​​Webinar n°3: Highlights from the Netherlands


​​​​​​​​Webinar n°2: Highlights from Australia


​​​​​​​​Webinar n°1: Highlights from Singapore


​Women in Nuclear event: 
Exploring the Beauty of Cultural Heritage 
with Nuclear Techniques (6 October 2023)

66th IAEA General Conference Side Event​: 
Atoms for Heritage - The Way Forward​ (29 September 2022)​​​


Side event organized by Australia,
Brazil, Egypt, France and the