The IAEA Nuclear Wiki is based on MediaWiki software, that is, it works like Wikipedia, and it is maintained by several of the IAEA's international Networks, including the International Decommissioning Network (IDN) on the IAEA CONNECT platform. It has been established to enhance cooperation between those involved in decommissioning of nuclear facilities of all types around the world. Users comprise relevant stakeholders, inter alia:
- Site licence holders
- Waste management organizations
- Supervisory authorities (ministries, regulators, environmental authorities, etc.) and their technical support organizations
- Universities and research organizations
- Supply chain companies
How does the Wiki work?
Browsing the pages, you will soon become familiar with the Wiki structure; automated links bring you to connected pages and topics. A side table provides structured data related to the article being viewed. These may be technical parameters or structural elements.
The overall success of the Wiki strongly depends on your contribution. Based on a give and take approach, your experience is valuable for other users, as their experience feedback is valuable for you. You are kindly encouraged to publish any contribution (paper, video, presentations…) which could be of interest to the group.
What is the benefit for me?
The IDN Wiki provides an opportunity to deliver decommissioning projects in a safer, quicker, smarter and more cost effective way through.
- Better understanding actual experience, not only for technical solutions but also for related supporting functions, e.g. quality, project- and knowledge management approaches
- Helping select the best decommissioning methods and technologies
- Helping select effective Knowledge Management techniques, etc.
- Access to information on people, organizations, facilities, locations and glossary terms
- Its use is free of charge
The Wiki may be used for a number of other purposes such as helping select the best decommissioning or decontamination methods, identifying where decommissioning activities are taking place, identifying opportunities for benchmarking, knowledge sharing, as a forum for practitioners, etc.
How do I get involved?
The value of the Decommissioning Wiki is very dependent on the level of participation and interaction of its users. As a user you will be able to:
- Browse content (e.g. compare technologies, case studies, find relevant IAEA guidance)
- Create pages/articles (e.g. for new case studies, new technologies, new facilities)
- Change content (e.g. add additional information, files, pictures and videos to an existing topic)
- Use page history to follow changes and revert to original text if necessary
- Discuss solutions and approaches on talk pages.
Watch a walk-through video on the IDN Wiki here.
How can I contribute?
The Wiki comprises information on all aspects of decommissioning, including the decision process for selection of strategies and technologies and the methods for their implementation and deployment. This may include:
- Decommissioning strategies (from start to finish)
- Technologies and their deployment (characterization, decontamination, dismantling, site remediation)
- Waste management (logistics, treatment, packaging, disposal, etc.)
- Safety and licensing (radiological, conventional)
- Project, quality, risk and knowledge management
- Resourcing and skills retention throughout project lifetime
- Stakeholder engagement
- R&D activities
- Dealing with unexpected situations
Making a contribution is easy. With a click you can either create or edit an article. A full history of revisions is retained and articles may be reverted to previous versions if necessary for any reason.
How do I gain access?
Access to the Wiki for editing purposes is limited to IDN members in order to keep its ownership within the nuclear and decommissioning professional community. Its use is free of charge.
To become an IDN member on the IAEA CONNECT platform just follow the registration process described here or watch the video tutorial here.
If you are already a member, just click here. You will be redirected to the IDN Wiki as soon as you logg in.
Should you need further assistance, please contact us through one of the following emails: