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Nuclear Fuel Engineering Network

Welcome to the IAEA Nuclear Fuel Engineering Network - NFE Net

Nuclear fuel must be adequately designed and manufactured to enable a reliable and safe operation of nuclear power plants. In order for nuclear power generation to be sustainable, nuclear fuel cycle must remain economically viable and competitive, which can be achieved by optimizing the use of fissile materials in the reactor cores.

The overall objective of the IAEA Nuclear Fuel Engineering Network (NFE) is to enhance Member States’ knowledge and information sharing in the fields of: developing and perfecting nuclear fuels and core structural materials, fuel design and manufacturing,  in-reactor behavior of nuclear fuel,  operational experience associated with fuel, optimizing the use of fissile materials in the reactor cores

For further information or questions please contact:​​

Quality and Reliability Aspects in Nuclear Power Reactor Fuel Engineering - Guidance and Best Practices to Improve Nuclear Fuel Reliability and Performance in Water Cooled ReactorsNF-G-2.1 (Rev. 1) tab
Near Term and Promising Long Term Options for the Deployment of Thbased NE IAEA-TECDOC-2009
Final Report of a Coordinated Research ProjectNew tab
The Metallurgy of Zirconium Vol.1-3The Metallurgy of Zirconium Vol.1-3
STI/PUB/1943 ¦ 978-92-0-109221-2New tab
IAEA-TECDOC-1921Analysis of Options and Experimental Examination of Fuels for Water Cooled Reactors with Increased Accident Tolerance (ACTOF)
Анализ вариантов и экспериментальное исследование топлива для водоохлаждаемых реакторов с повышенной устойчивостью к авариям (АКТОФ) tab
Fuel Failures inProceedings of a Technical Meeting
Normal Operation of Water Reactors
Fuel Failures in Normal Operation of Water ReactorsNew tab
Light Water Reactor Fuel Enrichment beyond the 5% Limit  Light Water Reactor Fuel Enrichment beyond the 5% Limit
LWR Fuel Enrichment beyond the 5% Limit tab
Modelling of Fuel BehaviourModelling of Fuel Behaviour
Modelling of Fuel Behaviour in Design Basis Accidents and Design Extension ConditionsNew tab
FUMACFuel Modelling in Accident Conditions (FUMAC)
Fuel Modelling in Accident Conditions (FUMAC)
FUMACNew tab
Review of Fuel FailuresReview of Fuel Failures
Review of Fuel Failures in Water Cooled Reactors
Review of Fuel FailuresNew tab
All PublicationsAll Publications
All PublicationsNew tab
提高抗事故能力的水冷反应堆燃料的选择和实验检验分析New tab
Обзор случаев повреждения топлива водоохлаждаемых реакторов (2006–2015 годы) tab
Моделирование поведения топлива в аварийных условиях (ФУМАК)IAEA-TECDOC-1889 tab
Assessment of Post-irradiation Examination Techniques for Advanced Reactor Fuel and Materials tab
Long Term Operation of Nuclear Fuel Cycle FacilitiesIAEA-TECDOC-2059 tab
