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Abstract Papers



Participants wishing to make a contribution at the meeting are requested to submit a one-page electronic abstract. Abstracts should be submitted to the email address by 15 February 2017.

Abstracts should be prepared according to the following instructions:
    1) Page size: A4 (297mm by 210 mm) – vertical orientation;
    2) Margins 25mm all around;
    3) Layout:
        Title: single-spaced, 14-point size, Times New Roman Font (TNR), bold;
        Authors: single-spaced, 12-point size, Times New Roman Font;
        Affiliation: single-spaced, 12-point size, Times New Roman Font, italic;             
        Text: 1.5 spaced, 12-point size, Times New Roman Font;
        Length: one page.             

Abstracts can be text only or contain figures and graphics. The abstracts must contain the authors’ names, affiliation and email address. Acceptable file formats are Microsoft Word (preferred) or PDF. The filename should be in the following format: "lastname.i.n.i.t.i.a.l.s.-topic.filetype".

Authors must make sure that the files do not include copyrighted fonts or any other impediments for reproduction. The abstracts will be reviewed and selected by the International Programme Advisory Committee. Authors will be informed of the acceptance of their contributions via email by 27 February 2017. A Book of Abstracts will be compiled for distribution at the meeting to every participant.



Summary report of the meeting will be prepared by the International Programme Advisory Committee, coordinated by its chair, for submission to the “Nuclear Fusion” journal.