The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will hold the Fourth IAEA DEMO Programme Workshop (DPW-4) from 15-18 November 2016 in Karlsruhe, Germany. The Workshop will be hosted by the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany through the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). Previous workshops in the series were held in Hefei (2015), Vienna (2013) and Los Angeles (2012).
With the construction of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), the worldwide magnetic fusion programme has begun a transition from a fusion science activity to one aimed at producing fusion energy on an industrial, power plant scale. This is driving an increased emphasis on a fusion technology programme which, along with ITER and accompanying research, will bring fusion as a power source within our reach. While internationally there is no agreement on a single roadmap to fusion, the science and technology issues to be resolved for fusion power to become a reality are broadly agreed. Resolving these issues and understanding the options for next-step fusion nuclear facilities are of common interest, even if the emphases and priorities vary from nation to nation. Thus there is substantial scope to add value to the programme by international cooperation. Against this backdrop, the IAEA has established a series of annual Demonstration Fusion Power Plant (DEMO) Programme Workshops to facilitate international collaboration on defining and coordinating DEMO programme activities.
The objective of this workshop in the IAEA series, is to discuss a subset of key DEMO scientific and technical issues with the aim of defining the facilities and program activities that can lead to their resolution. The workshop output, to be documented in summary presentations and (tentatively) a journal publication, will be information that could be used by any party as input to the planning of possible roadmaps to DEMO. Opportunities to make greater progress through international collaboration will be identified, ideally leading to coordination or joint work where beneficial. To promote continuity in the workshop series, participants will propose the set of topics for the next workshop(s) in the series, considering the status, expected progress, and need for international discussion among the various DEMO issues.
The workshop will cover the following topics:
In this topic the tritium fuel cycle development will be considered, not only the status of technology and systems but also aspects relating to power plant requirements such as (start-up) inventory and availability. The presentations will review the international status and identify gaps and requirements for further work. Subjects covered are
• Overview of the tritium fuel cycle and conditions for self sufficiency
• Physics calculations of tritium burn fraction in plasma
• Tritium Extraction and Processing Technologies: Assessment of state-of-the art, particularly in ITER, and required extrapolation
• Tritium Transport, Permeation and Control and requirements for DEMO
• Availability of tritium in the impact of ITER
Topic Chair: M. Abdou, Co-chair:
S. Willms
DEMO physics gaps and impact on engineering design
Considerable uncertainty surrounds the definition of the operating plasma for DEMO machines, as a consequence engineering design must accommodate a range of requirements. In this topic there will be a review of present knowledge and its limitations with respect to DEMO scaling and prediction, together with the prospects for more benign plasma operation such as ELM-free. The impact of these uncertainties on engineering design margins will be analysed. The physics basis for a stellarator based DEMO will be presented. Subjects covered include: • H mode core plasma confinement • Steady state scenarios for a DEMO tokamak
• Power exhaust
• Operational margins and impact on design
• Physics basis and prospect for a stellarator DEMO
Topic Chair:W. Biel, Co-chair:
H. Zohm
DEMO Heating and Current Drive Physics and Technology
HCD systems fulfil multiple roles in a DEMO from pre-pulse wall conditioning, through plasma burn and ramp down to post-pulse detritiation in addition to acting as actuators for MHD and profile control and non-inductive current drive. Determining the optimum mix of HCD systems must also account for their impact on the tritium breeding ratio and the extension of the nuclear island. In this Topic the requirements arising from the various applications of HCD will be discussed. An international status review of each system will then be presented that will include existing plans for development, exhausting and required test facilities. One of the major issues for HCD on DEMO is reliability and the system reviews will address the present state of knowledge and consider methods for improving and demonstrating reliability. Subjects covered: • Overview of plasma physics HCD requirements
• EC Systems International Status and Prospects
• NB Systems International Status and Prospects
• IC Systems International Status and Prospects
• LH International Systems Status and Prospects
Topic Chair: E. Surrey, Co-chair: I Jenkins
Special Topics
• A quantitative operating programme for FNSF and its impact on requirements, R&D needs, etc.
• Updates on national roadmap plans, i.e. focusing on significant progress or changes since the last workshop.
Workshop Organization and Format
The workshop will be organized around three topics, listed above, where discussion and action are urgently needed. The agenda will be structured with a balance of invited talks and discussion time sufficient to facilitate reaching conclusions. The workshop will end with summary talks on each of the topics. The international technical programme committee (TPC) is responsible for planning the technical programme and documenting the conclusion. In preparation for the workshop, speakers are requested to follow the guidance provided by the TPC, the topic chairs and co-chairs in order to target their presentations to purposely address the questions and issues raised in the topics description. They are asked to note in particular that presentations should represent the international status, not that of one particular nation or grouping.
Language The working language of the workshop is English; no interpretation will be provided
About 80 experts from IAEA Member States and International Organizations are expected to attend the workshop. All oral presentations will be based on invitation only. Participants should be actively involved in the topics of the workshop. In order to participate in the workshop, all persons must send a completed Participation Form (Form A) to their appropriate governmental authority for subsequent transmission to the IAEA. Participants will be accepted only if the Participation Form is transmitted to the IAEA through one of the official channels by 20 June 2016.
Contributed posters
A limited number of posters addressing the workshop topics may be included. Should any participant wish to present a poster, they are requested to submit a one page abstract to no later than 20 June 2016. In addition, they must further submit a duly completed Form A to their appropriate governmental authority for transmission to the IAEA. This form must be received by the IAEA no later than 20 June 2016.
Meeting Location and Transport
The workshop will take place at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany. Detailed information regarding accommodation and transportation to and from Karlsruhe are as follows.
The workshop hotels selected by the local organizing committee are the Schlosshotel Karlsruhe ( and IBIS Karlsruhe Hauptbahnhof Hotel (, both located near the main railway station in Karlsruhe. A free shuttle bus from the main railway station to the conference venue will be provided to participants. Starting July 1st, 2016, please check the website for details concerning transportation and hotel reservation.
From Frankfurt International Airport (FRA) to Karlsruhe, there are regular direct trains (1 hour travel time) from the airport’s “Fernbahnhof” (long distance train station). Additional information and train timetable will be provided on starting July 1st, 2016.
Local registration is mandatory for all participants and should be done at, starting from July 1st, 2016. Visitors’ passes to enter the premises of KIT (for lunch and technical visit) will be issued.
Electronic Proceedings:
Electronic proceedings of the workshop, consisting of slides or posters, will be made available to all participants on an open web site.
Journal Publication:
It is tentatively planned to publish a summary of the workshop as a journal article.
Expenditure and Financial Support
The costs for the organization of the workshop are borne by the IAEA. No registration fee will be charged to participants.
As a general rule, the IAEA does not pay travel and accommodation expenses for workshop participants. However, limited funds are available to help meet the cost of attendance of a few selected specialists, primarily those from developing countries with low economic resources.
Participants who require a visa to enter Germany should submit the necessary application as soon as possible. A letter of invitation, if needed, should be requested from the local organizers by emailing Ms Michelle Spies at
IAEA Scientific Secretaries
Sehila M. Gonzalez de Vicente
Physics Section
Division of Physical and Chemical Sciences
International Atomic Energy Agency
Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, A-1400 Vienna, Austria
, Fax:
Richard Kamendje
Physics Section
Division of Physical and Chemical Sciences
International Atomic Energy Agency
Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, A-1400 Vienna, Austria
, Fax:
Secretariat:Marion Linter
Physics Section
NAPC Physics Section
International Atomic Energy Agency
Office A2306
Wagramer Str. 5, P.O. Box 100, A1400 Vienna, Austria
, Fax:
Local Organizing Commitee
Mihaela Ionescu-Bujor
Michael Henn
Michelle Spies
Matti Oron-Carl
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Fusion Programme
mail: Postfach 3640, D-76021 Karlsruhe, Germany
+49 721 60 82 2245
International Programme Commitee
Mohamed Abdou
Wolfgang Biel
Fabio Cismondi
Xuru Duan
Keeman Kim
Rep. of Korea
Richard Kurtz
Boris Kuteev
Jiangang Li
Takeo Muroga
Takeo Muroga
Hutch Neilson
Elizabeth Surrey (chair)
Kenji Tobita
Hartmut Zohm
Takeo Muroga