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Meeting Format


The meeting will consist of talks by invited speakers, oral presentations and discussion/working sessions. The time allocated for each oral presentation is 30 minutes, with an additional 15 minutes for discussions.
The workshop will end with summary talks on each of the topics. The chair of the topic is responsible for documenting the conclusions. In preparation for the workshop, the chairs of the topics will select speakers to invite for their respective sessions, and will provide guidance in order to ensure that speakers’ presentations are explicitly targeted to address the issues raised in the topics description and that the conclusions can be summarized. Chairs should contribute actively to the working sessions.
An electronic projector connected to a computer capable of reading CDs and memory sticks will be available for the presentations (PowerPoint or pdf recommended). The meeting is expected to start at 9:00 on 13 June 2018 and end by 17:00 on 15 June 2018.



Experts from IAEA Member States and international organizations are expected to attend the meeting. Participants should be actively involved in the topics of the meeting.
Participants will be accepted only if their duly completed Participation Form A and Paper Submission Form B (if paper (abstract) is contributed) are transmitted to the IAEA through their appropriate governmental authority by 14 May 2018.


The working language of the meeting is English; no interpretation will be provided.