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The Fusion Device Information System (FusDIS), developed and maintained by the IAEA, focuses on fusion devices worldwide. FusDIS contains information on fusion devices public or private with experimental and plant designs, which are currently in operation, under construction or being planned, as well as technical data of these devices and country statistics, including research statistics from the Fusion Energy Conference series. All information is collected by the IAEA and undergoes a process of review involving the International Fusion Research Council. 

About FusDIS

The devices are organized in 4 main configuration categories: 

  • Tokamaks - both conventional and spherical type
  • Stellarators and Heliotrons
  • Laser/Inertial
  • Alternative Concepts - this category includes the following types: dense plasma focus; field reversed configuration; inertial electrostatic fusion; levitated dipole; magnetic mirror machine; magnetized target fusion; pinch; ​reverse field pinch; simple magnetized torus; space propulsor; spheromak.
For each device, the info below can be visualized by hovering the cursor over the device marker:

  • Country
  • Organization
  • Device Name
  • Device Configuration
  • Device Type
  • Device Status (operating; under construction; planned)
  • Design (exp - exerimental; plant)
  • Ownership (public; private)
  • Website (each website can be launched by clicking on the device marker).

The statistics provided can be used as filters. It is also possible to filter per country by choosing each country from the tables. 

In addition, the following dashboards are available:

  • Tech Data: 0D design parameters of tokamaks and stellarators/heliotrons in operation, under construction or planned​, with experimental and plant ​designs​.
  • Country Stats: Number of fusion devices per country, per design, status and configuration.
  • Org Stats: Number of fusion devices per organization, per design, status and configuration.
  • FEC2023 IDX: Number of first authorship papers submitted at FEC2023 per country and per track. Categories are: EX - Magnetic Fusion Experiments; TH - Magnetic Fusion Theory and Modelling; TECH - Fusion Energy Technology; IFE - Inertial Fusion Energy; IAC - Innovative and Alternative Fusion Concepts; PWF - Pathways to Fusion​OV - Overview.
  • FECs IDX: Number of first authorship papers submitted at FEC2006–2023​ per country and per track; and total number of papers per FEC and per track. Categories are: EX - Magnetic Fusion Experiments; TH - Magnetic Fusion Theory and Modelling; TECH - Fusion Energy Technology; IFE - Inertial Fusion Energy; IAC - Innovative and Alternative Fusion Concepts; PWF - Pathways to Fusion​OV - Overview.
  • Country Profiles:  Detailed information on each country (by ​using the filter).
Useful tips
  • Click on the icon reset.PNG at the bottom of the map to reset the filters.
  • Click on the icon home.PNG inside the map to reset the map view.
  • Hover the cursor over the device marker to access each device info.
  • Click on the device marker to launch the related website.
  • Use the statistics and tables as filters.
  • 'Ctrl+click' to select two or more filters.
The data provided through FusDIS is protected by copyright. Content may be adapted, translated, copied, printed and downloaded for private study, research and teaching purposes, and for use in commercial and non-commercial products or services, provided that appropriate acknowledgement of the IAEA as the source is given and that the IAEA's endorsement of users' views, products or services is not stated or implied in any way. 

Customised statistics can be prepared and delivered on request.

Citing this Database

INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Fusion Device Information System - FusDIS (2024​),


  • Commercializing Fusion Energy, Institute of Physics Publishing (2020)
  • Building talent for tomorrow, human capital strategies for fusion technologies, Lions Global (2021)
  • The Star Builders: Nuclear Fusion and the Race to Power the Planet, Weidenfeld & Nicolson (2021)
  • Start-up fusion. Nature Physics 17, 1069 (2021)
  • Technology Report – Safety and Waste Aspects for Fusion Power Plants. UKAEA-RE(21)01 (2021)​
  • Past, present and future of fusion science diplomacy. Communications Physics 4, 256 (2021)​​
  • On the brink of a new era in nuclear fusion R&D. Nature Reviews Physics (2021)​
  • Crowdsourcing in Megascience projects in Russia: current state and prospects. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2210 (2022) ​012020
  • Front. Energy Res., 07 June 2023 Sec. Nuclear Energy, Volume 11 - 2023 | ​
Contact us

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