The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the ITER International Organization will jointly hold the Third IAEA-ITER Technical Meeting on Analysis of ITER Materials and Technologies from 16 to 18 November 2015 at its Headquarters in Vienna, Austria. Previous meetings in the series were held in Monaco (2010) and Gandhinagar (2012).
The ITER project aims to demonstrate the scientific and technological feasibility of controlled energy production through thermonuclear fusion. The IAEA plays a pro-active role in catalysing innovation and enhancing the worldwide commitment to fusion. The meeting should contribute to the development of a knowledge base of properties, processes and technologies relevant to ITER structural and plasma-facing materials/components.
The meeting is mainly devoted to ITER materials and technologies. Also, materials and technologies for DEMO are of interest for the meeting.
The meeting will cover the following topics:
1. Materials for Divertor components (MDC)
Keywords: Plasma Facing components, erosion, beryllium, tungsten qualification for ITER, Cu – alloys, mechanical and physical properties, irradiation effects on performance of materials and components, specifications for procurements of materials, manufacturing technologies, non-destru1ctive evaluations and production of components, rewelding, waste management, materials databases
2. Structural materials for Blanket components (SBC)
Keywords: Shielding blankets, breeding blankets, mechanical properties, testing techniques, irradiation effects on performance of materials and components, manufacturing technologies, non-destructive evaluations and fabrication of components, fracture mechanics, rewelding, waste management, materials databases
3. Functional materials for breeding blankets (FBB)
Keywords: lithium compounds, n-multiplier, reflector, production routes, irradiation effects, tritium transport, lifetime, availability, corrosion, waste management, materials databases
4. Functional materials for diagnostics and heating systems (FMD)
Keywords: Insulators, windows, mirrors, production routes, joints, operation limits, design limits, properties degradation, irradiation effects (neutron + gamma); specifications for procurements; materials databases
5. Functional materials for specific application: (FMS)
Tribology requirements, and operational limits (Vacuum, irradiation, high loads)
Effect of irradiation (neutron, ß (3H), ?) on insulation materials (organic, anorganic) for various applications (metallic and rubber seals, cabling, cooling systems, materials databases)
H embrittlement
6. Magnets. Advanced magnets (HT Superconductors) (MAG)
Keywords: LT and HT superconductors, production processes, critical current, operation limits, current feeds, in-vessel coils, design limits
7. Simulation Studies (SST)
Finite Element Method simulations, modelling of irradiation effects, radiation transport and activation studies, nuclear data, tritium transport, pebble bed thermo-mechanics, benchmarking, validation and verification
Modelling of irradiation effects on materials properties changes: physical and mechanical properties predictions
8. Design/ Materials interfaces: (DMI)
Design code verification for assessment of materials performance
Electro-magnetic loads
Materials technologies aspects in the design of pressure and nuclear pressure equipment (ESP/ESPN)
Deterministic and probabilistic approaches, leak before break
Expenditure and Financial Support
The costs for the organization of the meeting are borne by the IAEA. No registration fee will be charged to participants. As a general rule, the IAEA does not pay travel and accommodation expenses for meeting participants. However, limited funds are available to help meet the cost of attendance of a few selected specialists, primarily those from developing countries with low economic resources. Generally, not more than one grant will be awarded to any one country. The grants awarded will be in the form of lump sums usually covering part of the cost of attendance.
Governments wishing to apply for a grant on behalf of one of their specialists should address specific requests to the Scientific Secretary responsible for this meeting to this effect. Governments should ensure that applications for grants are:
- Received by the IAEA by 1 July 2015,
- Accompanied by a duly completed and signed Grant Form C including the abstract of the paper to be presented,
- Should include an estimate from an official travel agency of the travel cost.
Applications that do not comply with the conditions mentioned above will not be considered. Awards will be announced by 18 September 2015.
Participants who require a visa to enter Austria should submit the necessary application to the nearest diplomatic or consular representative of Austria as soon as possible. An official letter of invitation will be issued to all participants. This letter will be needed for the visa application. In case of special requirements, please contact Ms Rozanne Bojdo .