7th IAEA Technical Meeting on
"Theory of Plasmas Instabilities"

04-06 March 2015, Frascati, Italy

Organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency
Hosted by the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA)


The 7th IAEA Technical Meeting on “Theory of Plasma Instabilities” will take place from 4 to 6 March 2015 at the ENEA Research Centre, Frascati, Italy. The meeting will be hosted by ENEA. After a kick-off meeting in 1999, previous meetings in this series were held at Kloster Seeon (Germany) in 2002, Trieste (Italy) in 2005, University of York (UK) in 2007, Kyoto University (Japan) in 2009, University of Texas at Austin (USA) in 2011 and IAEA Headquarters (Austria) in 2013.


The 7th IAEA-TM on “Theory of Plasma Instabilities” will provide a forum for open discussions on theoretical and computational physics issues relevant to burning plasmas. The meeting will cover linear and non-linear theory and simulation of plasma instabilities, including core/edge turbulence, magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) processes, and energetic particle driven dynamics and their effects on plasma confinement. Special attention will be paid to multi-scale interaction dynamics in better understanding burning plasmas and to the modelling of such complex physical processes.


  1. Overview: State of the art and importance of multi-scale physics for understanding burning plasmas.

  2. Linear and nonlinear stabilities and their theoritical/omputational methodologies including critical gradient problem and comparison with experiments.
  3. Core/edge turbulent transport including momentum transport, turbulence-profile interaction, barrier formation etc. and their theoretical/ computational understandings.
  4. Magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) instabilities including energetic particle physics and their impact on confinement in burning plasmas.
  5. Physics and modelling of multi-scale interactions and their impact on plasma performance and control.

Expenditure and Financial Support

No registration fee will be charged to participants attending the meeting.

As a general rule, the IAEA does not pay for participants’ travel and living expenses. However, limited funds are available to help meet the cost of attendance of selected specialists, mainly from developing countries with low economic resources. Generally, not more than one travel grant may be awarded to any one country

If governments wish to apply for a grant on behalf of one of their specialists, they should address specific requests to the IAEA Scientific Secretary at the International Atomic Energy Agency to this effect. Governments should ensure that applications for grants:

a) are received by the IAEA before 22 January 2015.

b) are accompanied by a duly completed and signed Grant Form C and an estimate of a valid travel agent of the flight costs from/to the duty city in their country and Rome.

c) are accompanied by a duly completed and signed Grant Form B and abstract.

Applications that do not comply with the conditions mentioned above cannot be considered.

Awards will be announced around 30 January 2015.


Designated participants who require a visa to enter Italy should submit the necessary application to the nearest diplomatic or consular representative of Italy as soon as possible. A letter of invitation, if needed, can be requested directly online at http://www.iaeatm-inst2015.enea.it or from Dr. Fulvio Zonca.


Further Information

Websites containing this announcement and updates of the meeting