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Return to Work after Long SL

​​​​​​​All You Need To Know:  Return to Work (RTW)

The guidelines apply to staff members returning to work after an uninterrupted period of sick leave of a minimum of two months (calendar days). Upon advice of Director, VIC Medical Service or delegate, on a case-by-case basis, the guidelines may also apply to staff members on shorter periods of sick leave who may require reasonable accommodation on return to work.

Roles and Responsibilities

Staff member responsibilities:

  • To inform his or her first-level supervisor as soon as reasonably possible of his or her dates of absence on sick leave and of any extension of absence and its expected duration
  • To provide appropriate medical certificate(s) in support of the sick leave absence to VIC Medical Service and reply to any request from VIC Medical Service with regards to further medical information and provide details regarding the treating physician(s) and/or other health professional(s).
  • Communicate to VIC Medical Service the estimated date for return to work, as recommended by the treating physician(s) and/or other health professional(s) in advance of at least five working days from that date.
  • Inform VIC Medical Service of any request for reasonable accommodation of the working environment to facilitate his or her return to work, supported by documentation from the treating physician(s) and/or other health professional(s).
  • Participate in the Return-to-Work (RTW) discussion with the first-level supervisor.
  • Participate during the first month of his or her return (and thereafter as appropriate) in regular discussions with his or her supervisor, VIC Medical Service and Staff Counsellor and provide feedback on the effectiveness of the measures to determine whether such measures need to be maintained, further adapted or discontinued.

Supervisor responsibilities:

  • Agree with the staff member early in the absence on who (first level supervisor or MTHR) and how often to keep in touch with a view to help the employee feel valued and help plan ahead for a smooth and successful return to work. 
  • After being contacted by VIC Medical Service or MTHR, take necessary steps to facilitate a successful return to work of the staff member, in collaboration with the staff member, Medical Service, MTHR and staff counsellor, accommodating, where required and to the extent possible, the working conditions of the staff member as recommended by VIC Medical Service.
  • Ascertain from the staff member what information about his or her absence he or she would like to be shared, and with whom he or she would like the information to be shared, as well as how the staff member would like the team to support him or her in order to avoid misunderstandings and uncertainty for the returning staff member and his or her colleagues.
  • Guide his or her team towards a successful reintegration of the staff member, and a progressive redistribution of tasks and responsibilities as required.
  • Discuss and agree with VIC Medical Service, MTHR, Staff Counsellor and concerned staff member on a RTW Plan at least five working days before the RTW. 
  • Meet with the staff member on his or her first day back to work for a RTW discussion where possible. 
  • Organize regular discussions with the staff member during the first month of his or her return (and thereafter as appropriate) to monitor and evaluate the situation with a view to assessing whether the staff member is able to exercise the material functions of his or her post and to determine any further adaptation or if the measures can be discontinued. 
  • Take appropriate action regarding performance and development review process (PDR) if required, including revision of objectives as may be appropriate.

MTHR responsibilities:

  • ​​Actively support the RTW process and all involved parties to facilitate the successful return of the staff member.
  • Provide guidance regarding HR planning and reasonable accommodation options, as applicable.



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8:30 - 17:30

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