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Dignity and Inclusion

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Dignity and Inclusion Learning Initiative

 Developed by the Vienna-based UN Organizations: CTBTO, IAEA, UNIDO, and UNOV/UNODC

This learning initiative intends to further promote putting UN values into action through a set of interactive e-learning modules and face-to-face trainings for the personnel of the Vienna-based UN entities. The goal of the initiative is to support a more inclusive, respectful, and enabling workplace by bringing biases and blind spots to light​ and by sharing best practices, strat​eg​ies, and lessons learned to help reduce ignorance, stigma, and discrimination. Below you can find detailed descriptions of the different module​s and links to registration and module resources, as soon as they are ​available. ​

If you are accessing this page from your mobile phone, please keep scroll​ing down
for an overview over all modules offered. 



       Upcoming Workshops:                     Upcoming Workshops:                       Upcoming Workshops:
          Dates coming soon                              Dates coming soon                              Dates upcoming soon


    Upcoming Workshops:                        Upcoming Workshops:                         Upcoming Workshops:
         Dates coming soon                               Dates coming soon                                  Dates coming soon


    Upcoming Workshops:                        Upcoming Workshops:                         Upcoming Workshops:
          Dates coming soon                               Dates coming soon                                  Dates coming soon ​​


     Upcoming Workshops:                         Upcoming Workshops:           

         Dates coming soon​                                 Dates coming soon




We are thankful that the information about the Dignity & Inclusion Learning Initiative, co-created by the Vienna-based Organizations (VBO), has been placed on the VIC Medical Service's Mental Health webpage to allow it to be centrally accessed by all VBO personnel.

We would nevertheless like to emphasize that the use of the VIC Medical Service's Mental Health webpage in no way is meant to imply a pathologization of any of the topics addressed by the Dignity & Inclusion Learning Initiative. On the contrary – placing the information on this website is in line with the understanding that a working environment that is free of harassment, discrimination, or any other barriers impeding one's contribution to the objectives of the United Nations, supports dignity and inclus​ion and helps ensure good mental health of our colleagues.

We look forward to your participation in the Dignity & Inclusion Learning Initiative as part of our joint efforts to promote inclusive and respectful workplaces for all of us working for the VBOs.

- The Dignity & Inclusion ​​Learning Initiative developers and facilitators from CTBTO, IAEA, UNIDO and UNOV/UNODC

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