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Helping Colleagues




Got a feeling that someone you know or care about it isn't behaving as they normally would? Perhaps they seem out of sorts? More agitated or withdrawn? Listen to your gut instinct and act on it.

By acting as the 'eyes and ears' and reaching out to someone who's going through a tough time we can show them they're supported and encourage them to access help sooner. (RUOK) 

When To Ask “Are you ok"? 

​​Better understand the signs and behaviour of someone that might be going through a difficulty of some sort:



​Prepare To Ask 

Reaching out to someone who seems to be in distress or not quite themselves is not always an easy conversation. Help prepare by asking yourself the following questions: ​

'Am I in a good headspace?' 'Do I understand that if I ask how someone’s going, the answer could be: “No, I’m not”?' "Do I accept that they might not be ready to talk? 'Have I figured out a time that will be good for them to chat?' ​​​

Tips For Reaching Out ​

“Ask, Listen, Encourage Action, Check In”​

     For the full information click here

Supporting A Colleague: click here for PDF​ 

"Talking to somebody about their wellbeing, especially if they are having difficulties, can seem daunting. Maybe you already know how to have conversations like this. Here are some suggestions" (UN) ​​

Helping Others Factsheet 

“I am here, and I am listening" ​


Supportive Communication:




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