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Managing through Covid



​​The prolonged pandemic situation, coming in and out of lockdowns, work-from-home-arrangements, return-to-the-office routines and contact restrictions is taking a toll on most of us. In times of uncertainty like this, it is even more important to take good care of our personal well-being. 

Take a look at the videos and resources you will find below to learn more about the effects of the pandemic on your wellbeing and how to practice good self-care in challenging times. In case you are experiencing any concerns regarding your wellbeing, please reach out to your agency's counsellor - Patience Gebauer ( for UNOV/UNODC/CTBTO, Johanna Schubert (​) for IAEA and UNIDO. ​

Echo271.jpgStill up-to-date: Read "How The COVID-19 Pandemic May Have Affected Your Mental Health" 
(VMS, Echo 271) to learn more about how to take good care of yourself when working from home and dealing with the ongoing pandemic situation

Join us as we build a Resilience toolkit
​as part of the Resilience pathway learning programme:

pink10.pngResilience foundations: video​Pre-work reflection questions

Managing in adversityarticlevideotips 

Navigating through flux: assessment, ​article

Guided conversations: article​assessment​​skills matrix, Leadership quiz​

Building back better​: Self assessment, Build Your Team’s Resilience — From Home

During a period of social distancing, quarantine or isolation, you or your family members may experience: 

  • Fear and anxiety: Feeling anxious or worried about contracting COVID-19 or spreading it to others, having concerns about obtaining food and personal supplies, taking time off work or fulfilling family care obligations.
  • Lack of energy and sadness: Interrupting your daily routine may result in feelings of sadness, apathy or boredom.

  • Anger, frustration or irritability: Loss of personal freedom can be frustrating. You may also experience anger or resentment leading you to get easily upset with those close to you.

  • Stigmatization: If you are sick or have been exposed to someone who has COVID-19, you may feel stigmatized by others.

It is important to recognize these emotions and to know that there are tools to help you cope better in this difficult situation.​

Remote Work Tips

pink10.pngUN COVID-19 wellness page

Laptop ergonomic tips 

Managing stress​ (LinkedIn Learning)


​​Remote Work Survival Kit

Self-isolation Wellbeing-Pack​

​When you are self-isolation, either because you contracted Covid, or you are a contact of somebody who did, or you returned from your travels and have to quarantine, your psychosocial wellbeing can be challenged. Take a look at this self-isolation wellbeing pack developed by the NHS to help you taking good care of yourself during those challenging times:

Self Isolation (

Do you have three minutes? 

Watch or listen below to learn more about loss and grief as we adjust to our new normals

Watch or listen below to try out a short exercise on how you can better manage your mental health

Covid & Us - Navigating the New Normal


Click here to download the pdf of the slides​​

​​Managing your mental health at home:
Information about working from home during COVID-19


The Importance of Self-Care Planning during COVID-19



​​Tips to manage anxiety during times of uncertainty





​All links are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not automatically constitute an endorsement or an approval by the VIC Medical Service of any of the products, services or opinions of the corporation or organization or individual. The VIC Medical Service bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the external site or for that of subsequent links. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.

Staff Wellbeing Tiles
Support & Resources