Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
Is a type of depression that comes and goes in a seasonal pattern and is sometimes known as "winter depression " because the symptoms are usually more apparent during the winter (NHS, 2022)
Some people with SAD may have symptoms during the summer and feel better during the winter.
Symptoms of SAD Include:
- a persistent low mood
- a loss of pleasure or interest in normal everyday activities
- irritability
- feeling lethargic (lacking in energy) and sleepy during the day
- sleeping for longer than normal and finding it hard to get up in the morning
- difficulty concentrating
For some people, these symptoms can be severe and have a significant impact on their day-to-day activities.
What causes SAD?
The exact cause of SAD is not fully understood, but it's often linked to reduced exposure to sunlight during the shorter autumn and winter days.
The main theory is that a lack of sunlight might stop a part of the brain called the hypothalamus working properly, which may affect the:
production of melatonin – melatonin is a hormone that makes you feel sleepy; in people with SAD, the body may produce it in higher than normal levels
production of serotonin – serotonin is a hormone that affects your mood, appetite, and sleep; a lack of sunlight may lead to lower serotonin levels, which is linked to feelings of depression
When to see a GP:
You should consider seeing the GP if you think you might have SAD and you're struggling to cope.
The GP can carry out an assessment to check your mental health. They may ask you about your mood, lifestyle, eating habits and sleeping patterns, plus any seasonal changes in your thoughts and behaviour. (NHS, 2022)
Understanding 'SAD':
Some Daily Tips
(Homewood Health)

Food For Your Brain:
Better understand how the food we consume affects our mental health.
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