Public Resources in Vienna:
In order to find a qualified external psychiatrist or counsellor in the language of your choice,
please contact your respective agency's Staff Counsellor (Patience Gebauer for
UNOV/UNODC/CTBTO, Johanna Schubert for IAEA and UNIDO).
Psychiatric emergency aid in Vienna, Tel: (01) 31330. Every day 24h/day
24 Hour Women's Emergency Helpline, Tel: (01) 71719
General Crisis hotline (Telefonseelsorge), Tel: 142 (24/7)
Crisis Intervention Centre. Lazarettgasse 14A, 1090 Vienna, Tel: (1) 4069595 (Mon - Fri. 10:00 to 17:00)
Psychologists' Association in Austria Helpline. Tel: (1) 504 8000 - Mon-Thu 09:00 – 13:00
Acute Hospital Psychiatric Help, Find hospitals in your area
Substance use concerns:
Help for eating disorders:
Medical Association – Find a medical specialist: