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IAEA Webinar: Careers for Women in Radiation Technologies

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Are radTechWebinar.JPGyou a female student or a young professional in the field of chemistry, biology, nuclear physics or engineering? Are you wondering in which area to specialize, or what the right next step in your career is? Then this webinar featuring careers for women in radiation technologies might be the right one for you.

Four renowned female experts will highlight their own career paths and what motivated them to start working and stay in this field. They will discuss the role of women in radiation technologies, what is needed to increase the representation of female experts in this field and why radiation technologies can offer a promising career for women. 

Date: 13:00 CEST on 23 June 2021
Register for the event here: https://bit.ly/3pF3Rnx
Password for the event: RadTech1!

The panelists will make brief presentations followed by a question and answer session with the audience. 

Speakers at the event include:


Amira Zaouak, Senior Researcher, CNSTN, Tunisia 

Amira is Senior Researcher at the National Center for Nuclear Science and Technology (CNSTN) in Tunisia. In 2013, she completed her PhD degree in Chemistry at the University of Tunis El Manar and joined CNSTN as an assistant professor. Since 2016, she has been a member of the Research Laboratory Energy and Matter for Nuclear Science Development.

Amira is interested in various fundamental research fields as well as analytical fields in applied chemistry. Her research focuses on the application of radiation technologies for wastewater treatment and on addressing environmental and climate-related challenges. Amira is also Founder and President of Women in Nuclear in Tunisia, which supports and encourages women working in the field of nuclear sciences and also raises awareness of the benefits of nuclear and radiation applications.


Celina Horak, Radiation Processing Specialist, IAEA

Celina is Radiation Processing Specialist at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). She is a microbiologist, biotechnologist and food industrial technologist and has more than 30 years of experience in the field of radiation processing applications in health care products, food and agriculture, environment and industry. Before joining the IAEA in 2019, Celina was Manager of the Radiation Science and Technology Centre at the Argentinian National Atomic Energy Commission. She is a member of many scientific societies and was Professor in Nuclear Engineering and Nuclear Applications at the Dan Beninson Institute in Argentina. 


Lucille Abad, Chief of the Atomic Research Division at the Philippine Nuclear Research Institute, Philippines

Lucille specializes in radiation chemistry and processing of polymers. She has developed several radiation-processed patentable products, including the multi-awarded well-tested carrageenan Plant Growth Promoter (PGP), which is already commercialized. Her project on the carrageenan PGP has been recognized as one of the top five projects under the category Non-energy Nuclear Technologies during the ATOMEXPO Awards in 2019. Lucille has been a recipient of several international and national awards, including the 2020 Outstanding Pilipino Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Fellow in the field of chemical sciences. 

Lucille is currently Chief of the Atomic Research Division at the Philippine Nuclear Research Institute. She has been a lead country and national project coordinator of IAEA regional projects on subjects related to radiation crosslinking, degradation and grafting of polymers for health, agricultural and industrial applications, and is also the current Philippine Coordinator of the Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia.


Sophie Rouif, Research and Development Leader, IONISOS, France

In her capacity as R&D Leader at IONISOS, Sophie manages various radiation chemistry projects related to curing, crosslinking, grafting, resistance to radiations, among other topics. She is also responsible for developing new business strategies, innovating projects and establishing new partnerships for IONISOS.

Sophie is a member of the PolyRay association in France and is in charge of Industrial Relations. She has a PhD in Polymers and Composites from the University of Lyon and a Chemistry Engineer Diploma from the Chemistry Engineering School of Montpellier in France.