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Tephritid Workers Database

​​Dear fruit fly workers

Tephritid fruit flies are becoming increasingly important, due to the economic importance of many species and their threat to fruit and vegetable production and trade worldwide. Consequently, a tremendous amount of information is made available each year: development of new technologies, new information on their biology and ecology; new control methods made available, new species identified, new outbreaks recorded and new operational control programmes launched. Because things are evolving so rapidly in this field, it is of utmost importance to develop a site that collects and shares this information allowing each Tephritid fruit fly worker worldwide to keep up-to-date on the most recent developments.

International fruit fly symposia and other meetings, though providing a fantastic occasion to meet with colleagues, as well as exchange views and learn about new methodologies, do not provide an easily accessible and always available tool for a colleague in need of an e-mail address of a special field expert, or of information needed to solve a problem encountered in the field.

In the past, a very useful newsletter with information on fruit fly workers was issued annually by some fruit fly colleagues (mainly Boller and Liedo with others) under the auspices of the International Organisation of Biological Control (IOBC). Unfortunately this database is no longer being maintained. As part of its mandate to provide colleagues in Member States with mechanisms for increased collaboration, the Insect Pest control Section (IP​CS) of the Joint FAO/IAEA Centre of Nuclear Techniques in food and Agriculture has decided to re-establish the database on the web called Tephritid Workers. This database is available on the Internet to all fruit fly workers and other interested parties The goal of the initiative is to facilitate collection and sharing of data among fruitfly workers.

In order to accommodate this page more to your and your colleagues' needs, your effective contribution is greatly needed and appreciated. This can be achieved by sharing with us articles to be posted in the News section or by commenting on various aspects of tephritid fruit flies. We are convinced that with your help this database will quickly become an essential tool for Tephritid fruit fly workers worldwide.  We look forward to your contribution to the Tephritid Workers Database!

Click here for more information on how to become a member!

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​Important note: For the best search results, please use the specific database search function at the left hand side of the page.


Resource Characteristics
Quality Level: quality checked
Completeness: Comprehensive
Update Frequency: Continually
Last Resource Update: 2024

Food and Agriculture
Data Type
Scientific Networks


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