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Accelerators For Heritage
Accelerator Knowledge Portal


Accelerator-based techniques are powerful tools to gain better insight into cultural heritage materials.​
It is possible to determine elemental and chemical composition with high sensitivity and accuracy by applying ion beams and X-rays produced by accelerators. 

The analytical information can contribute to identify cultural heritage objects, reveal their manufacturing techniques, unveil the source of materials used and, inform conservation treatment efforts. It is also possible to determine the authenticity of such objects. These investigations contribute to more comprehensive research work in art history, archaeology and conservation science.

The IAEA is committed to assisting Member States to strengthen their capabilities, and the use of nuclear analytical techniques for cultural and natural heritage.​​










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​IAEA Collaborating Centers in the field of Cultural Heritage 

The IAEA has established agreements with University Paris Saclay, Australian Nuclear Science Technology Organisation (ANSTO) and the Centre for Ion Beam Applications (CIBA) at the National University of Singapore to cooperate in the field of cultural heritage.​​

Find out more:

France's University Paris-Saclay, first IAEA Atoms for Heritage Collaborating Centre

IAEA, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation to work together on Sustainable Environment 

ANSTO's website and the page dedicated to Cultural Heritage​

Singapore's First IAEA Collaborating Centre: Using Acceleratos for Cutting-edge Research and Development

Ambassador Richard Sadleir, Australia’s Resident Representative to the IAEA (second right)receives a plaque on the re-designation of ANSTO as an IAEA Collaborating Centre from Deputy Director General NajaMokhtar, 8 March

Ambassador Xavier Sticker, France’s Resident Representative to the IAEA (right), receives a plaque on the designation of Universite
Paris-Saclay as an IAEA Collaborating Centre from Deputy Director General Najat Mokhtar, 17 September 2021.

Jophie Tang, Deputy Resident Representative to the IAEA, receives a plaque on the designation of CIBA as an IAEA Collaborating Centre from Deputy Director General Najat Mokhtar, 13 September 2023.
