| | |  | NRC | Software tool to model radiation beams | Windows | Freeware | https://www.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/eng/solutions/advisory/beam_index.html | Radiotherapy |
| | |  | V. Palonen et al. | A program for Bayesian analysis of Accelerator Mass Spectrometry | Windows | Freeware | http://beam.acclab.helsinki.fi/~vpalonen/car4ams/ | Accelerator Mass Spectrometry |
| | |  | François Schiettekatte | Corteo is a Monte Carlo (MC) simulation program intended to make possible MC simulations of ion beam analysis spectra within a few seconds. Implemented techniques include RBS, ERD, RBS-TOF, ERD-TOF and coincidence of identical ions. | Windows (32-64b), Mac | Freeware | http://www.lps.umontreal.ca/~schiette/index.php?n=Recherche.Corteo | Ion Beam Analysis |
| | |  | Nuno P. Barradas, Chris Jeynes | The IBA DataFurnace is a computer code to self-consistently extract elemental depth profiles from MeV ion beam analysis spectra, including RBS, non-Rutherford BS and ERDA, NRA and PIXE | Windows | Software | www.surreyibc.ac.uk/ndf | Ion Beam Analysis |
| | |  | Edit Szilágyi | Calculation of energy and depth resolution of RBS and ERD analysis techniques | Windows | Freeware | http://www.kfki.hu/~ionhp/doc/prog/wdepth.htm | Ion Beam Analysis |
| | |  | Chris Ryan | Quantitative micro-PIXE imaging and analysis software | Windows, Linux | Software | http://www.nmp.csiro.au/GeoPIXE.html | Ion Beam Analysis |
| | |  | J.L. Campbell | GUPIXWIN is a versatile software package for fitting PIXE spectra from thin, thick, intermediate and layered specimens. | Windows | Software | http://pixe.physics.uoguelph.ca/gupix/main/ | Ion Beam Analysis |
| | | | Carlos Pascual-Izarra | Hotstop is scientific software that allows to extract experimental ion stopping force curves from RBS spectra (as well as to estimate uncertainties) It uses Simulated Annealing and Bayesian Inference algorithms. | Windows | Freeware | http://hotstop.sourceforge.net/ | Ion-matter interactions |
| | | | Jacopo Forneris | Simulation of 1-dimensional IBIC experiment | Windows | Freeware | http://www.solid.unito.it/RICERCA/IBA/IST.html | Ion-matter interactions |
| | | | Carlos P. Isarra | Open source library for Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) simulation. | Windows | Freeware | http://cpixe.sourceforge.net/ | Ion Beam Analysis |
| | |  | Kai Arstila | MCERD is a Monte Carlo simulation program, which is used for simulations of ERD (Elastic Recoil Detection) measurements. | Windows, Linux | Freeware | https://www.jyu.fi/fysiikka/en/research/accelerator/abasedmat/software | Ion Beam Analysis |
| | | | Nuno P. Barradas | NDF is a DOS code dedicated to the analysis of RBS, ERDA, PIXE, non-resonant NRA and NDP data for any ion, any target, any geometry, and number of spectra. The free version of NDF is a simulator only. It does not implement fitting or Bayesian inference. | DOS | Freeware | http://www.itn.pt/facilities/lfi/ndf/uk_lfi_ndf.htm | Ion Beam Analysis |
| | |  | Geoff Grime | A complete software and hardware solution for collecting and processing data from a nuclear microprobe facility. | Windows | Software | http://www.microbeams.co.uk/download.html | Data Acquisition |
| | |  | Bronk Ramsey | A program designed for the analysis of chronological information from 14C dating experiments | Windows | Freeware | https://c14.arch.ox.ac.uk/oxcal/OxCal.html | Radiocarbon dating |
| | |  | Tatsuhiko Sato et al. | General purpose Monte Carlo particle transport simulation code. | | Software | http://phits.jaea.go.jp/index.html | Beam Optics |
| | | | IAEA | Quantitative X-ray analysis system | Windows | Freeware | http://qxas.software.informer.com/ | Ion Beam Analysis |
| | |  | Mike Thompson | RBS analysis package, providing comprehensive analysis and simulation of RBS and ERD spectra. | DOS | Freeware | http://www.genplot.com/ | Ion Beam Analysis |
| | |  | Alexander Gurbich | The SigmaCalc software has been developed in order to provide the IBA scientist with a tool for computing the differential cross sections required for an analytical work. | Online | Freeware | http://www.surreyibc.ac.uk/sigmacalc/ | Ion Beam Analysis |
| | |  | Matej Mayer | SIMNRA is a Microsoft Windows program for the simulation of non-Rutherford backscattering, nuclear reactions and elastic recoil detection analysis with MeV ions | Windows | Shareware | http://home.rzg.mpg.de/~mam/ | Ion Beam Analysis |
| | |  | Julien L. Colaux | Excel-based code to generate complex targets for SIMNRA | Windows | Freeware | http://webapps.fundp.ac.be/physique/simtarget/ | Ion Beam Analysis |
| | | | Ian Vickridge | Simulation of excitation curves of samples around very narrow nuclear resonances | Windows | Freeware | Request to the author: ian.vickridge@insp.jussieu.fr | Ion Beam Analysis |
| | |  | James F. Ziegler | SRIM is a collection of software packages which calculate many features of the transport of ions in matter, such as ion stoppings and ranges, implantation depth-profiles, sputtering | Windows | Freeware | http://www.srim.org/ | Ion-matter interactions |
| | |  | Roger P. Webb | A quick ion implantation calculator. | Windows | Freeware | http://www.surrey.ac.uk/ati/ibc/research/modelling_simulation/suspre.htm | Ion-matter interactions |
| | | | Claire Habchi | Reconstruction of STIM tomography data | Windows | Freeware | Request to the Author : habchi@cenbg.in2p3.fr | Ion Beam Analysis |