| | COMPLOT | COMPonent LOop Tests | LFR | Belgium | 75 | Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE), Air | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics, Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 400 | 16 | |
| | CRAFT V2 | Corrosion Research for Advanced Fast reactor Technology | LFR | Belgium | 60 | Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Coolant chemistry, Materials, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 200 | 0.1 | |
| | E-SCAPE | European SCAled Pool Experiment | LFR | Belgium | 100 | Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE), Air, Other | under construction | Design basis accidents (DBA) and design extended conditions (DEC), Thermal-hydraulics, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 320 | 0.7 | |
| | HELIOS | HEavy LIquid metal Oxygen control System | LFR | Belgium | 10 | Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Coolant chemistry | 450 | 0.05 | |
| | HLM | Heavy Metals Lab | LFR | Belgium | 1 | Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Coolant chemistry, Materials, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 500 | | |
| | LILIPUTTER | LIquid Lead alloy Innovative PUmp Technology TEst Rig | LFR | Belgium | 11 | Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Coolant chemistry, Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 200 | 1 | |
| | LIMETS1 | LIquid MEtals Test Stand 1 | LFR | Belgium | 3.5 | Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Materials | 550 | 0.4 | |
| | LIMETS2 | LIquid MEtals Test Stand 2 | LFR | Belgium | 3.5 | Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Materials | 550 | 0.4 | |
| | LIMETS3 | LIquid MEtals Test Stand 3 | LFR | Belgium | 3.5 | Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Materials | 500 | 0.11 | |
| | LIMETS4 | LIquid MEtals Test Stand 4 | LFR | Belgium | | Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Materials | 550 | 0.1 | |
| | MEXICO | Mass EXchanger In Continuous Operation | LFR | Belgium | 120 | Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Coolant chemistry | 450 | 1 | |
| | MYRRHABELLE | MYRRHA Basic sEt-up for Liquid fLow Experiments | LFR | Belgium | 48 | Water | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics | 30 | 0.1 | |
| | SHAKESPEARE | SHaking Apparatus for Kinetic Experiments of Sloshing Projects with EArthquake REproduction | LFR | Belgium | | Water, Other | in operation | Design basis accidents (DBA) and design extended conditions (DEC) | | 0.1 | |
| | RHAPTER | Remote HAndling Parts TEst Rig | LFR | Belgium | 4 | Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 450 | 0.15 | |
| | CLEAR - 0 | China Lead-based Zero Power Reactor | LFR | China | 0.01 | Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE), Other | in operation | Zero power facility for V&V and licensing purposes, Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | | | |
| | CLEAR -S | Lead-based cooled China Non-nuclear Reactor | LFR | China | 3,500 | Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Design basis accidents (DBA) and design extended conditions (DEC), Thermal-hydraulics, Coolant chemistry, Materials, Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 500 | 2 | 100 |
| | KYLIN II -M | KYLIN-II Materials Test Loop | LFR | China | 300 | Lead, Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Coolant chemistry, Materials | 550 | 1.6 | |
| | KYLIN II -S | KYLIN-II Safety Test Loop | LFR | China | 200 | Lead, Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Design basis accidents (DBA) and design extended conditions (DEC), Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 500 | 25 | 100 |
| | KYLIN II -TH FC | KYLIN-II Forced Circulation Thermal Hydraulics Test Loop | LFR | China | 300 | Lead, Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics, Coolant chemistry, Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 400 | 1.2 | |
| | KYLIN II -TH MC | KYLIN-II Thermal Hydraulics Mixed Circulation Loop | LFR | China | 500 | Lead, Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics, Coolant chemistry, Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 500 | 1.2 | |
| | KYLIN II -TH NC | KYLIN-II Thermal Hydraulic Natural Circulation loop | LFR | China | 24 | Lead, Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 500 | 1 | |
| | CALLISTO | CALLISTO | LFR | Czech Republic | 4 | Lead, Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Materials, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 600 | 0.2 | |
| | COLONRI I | COnvection LOop NRI I | LFR | Czech Republic | 7 | Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Coolant chemistry, Materials | 500 | 0.1 | |
| | COLONRI II | COnvection LOop NRI II | LFR | Czech Republic | 7 | Lead | in operation | Coolant chemistry, Materials | 550 | 0.1 | |
| | MATLOO | Material research loop | LFR | Czech Republic | 500 | Lead | under design | Coolant chemistry, Materials | 550 | 0.35 | |
| | HLM | Heavy Liquid Metal Experimental Facility | LFR | EU | 18 | Lead, Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | under construction | Materials, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 650 | 0.5 | |
| | BACCARA | BACCARA | LFR | France | 115 | Water | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics | 110 | 1.5 | |
| | MASURCA | MASURCA | LFR | France | 5 | Air | stand-by | Zero power facility for V&V and licensing purposes | 35 | 0.1 | |
| | CORELLA | Corrosion Erosion Test Facility for Liquid Lead | LFR | Germany | 7 | Lead, Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Materials | 650 | | |
| | COSTA | Corrosion Test Stand for Stagnant Liquid Lead | LFR | Germany | | Lead, Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Coolant chemistry, Materials | 900 | | |
| | CRISLA | Creep-to-Rupture Tests in Stagnant Lead Alloys | LFR | Germany | | Lead, Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Materials | 650 | | |
| | ELEFANT | Experimental LEad FAcility for Neutron | LFR | Germany | | Lead | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics, Materials, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 500 | | |
| | FRETHME | Fretting Tests in Heavy Liquid Metal | LFR | Germany | | Lead, Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Materials | 650 | | |
| | MINIPOT | Modular mini reactor Pool for corrosion, | LFR | Germany | | | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics, Coolant chemistry, Materials, Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 480 | | |
| | nELBE | PhotoNeutronsource at the ELBE accelerator | LFR | Germany | 5 | Lead | in operation | Materials | 250 | | |
| | TELEMAT | Test Loop for Lead Material testing | LFR | Germany | 110 | Lead | in operation | Coolant chemistry, Materials, Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 750 | 0.2 | 1.5 |
| | THEADES | Thermal-hydraulics and ADS Design | LFR | Germany | 500 | Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics, Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 450 | 1 | 42 |
| | THESYS | Technologies of heavy liquid metal systems | LFR | Germany | 20 | Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics, Materials, Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 400 | 0.5 | 14 |
| | CIRCE - HERO | CIRCulation Eutectic | LFR | Italy | 1,000 | Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Design basis accidents (DBA) and design extended conditions (DEC), Thermal-hydraulics, Coolant chemistry, Materials, Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R, Cross-cutting (dual application for SFR&LFR) | 120 | 0.45 | |
| | CIRCE - SGTR | CIRculation Eutectic | LFR | Italy | 30 | Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | under construction | Design basis accidents (DBA) and design extended conditions (DEC), Thermal-hydraulics, Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 350 | 1.6 | |
| | HELENA | Heavy Liquid metal Experimental loop for advanced Nuclear Applications | LFR | Italy | 250 | Lead | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics, Coolant chemistry, Materials, Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 480 | 1 | |
| | LECOR | LECOR | LFR | Italy | 250 | Lead, Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Coolant chemistry, Materials, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 550 | 0.5 | |
| | NACIE | NACIE-UP | LFR | Italy | 235 | Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Design basis accidents (DBA) and design extended conditions (DEC), Thermal-hydraulics, Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 150 | 1 | |
| | RACHELE | Lead-Alloy Chemistry Laboratory | LFR | Italy | 1 | Lead, Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Coolant chemistry, Materials, Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 550 | | |
| | SIRIO | Sistema di rimozione della potenza di decadimento per reattori nucleari innovativi | LFR | Italy | 70 | Water | under design | Design basis accidents (DBA) and design extended conditions (DEC), Thermal-hydraulics, Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 450 | 18 | |
| | SOLIDX | SOLIDification eXperiment Facility | LFR | Italy | 5.3 | Lead | under construction | Design basis accidents (DBA) and design extended conditions (DEC), Thermal-hydraulics | 500 | 0.05 | |
| | FundamentalTest | Test stand for fundamental LBE technology | LFR | Japan | 6.5 | Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 450 | 0.5 | |
| | HighTemperatureMaterial | High-temperature material corrosion test loop | LFR | Japan | 52 | Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | stand-by | Coolant chemistry, Materials | 550 | 0.5 | |
| | JLBL-3 | JAEA Lead-Bismuth flow Loop-3 | LFR | Japan | 41 | Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics, Systems and components | 450 | 0.5 | |
| | JLBL-4 | JAEA Lead Bismuth Loop-4 | LFR | Japan | | Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 500 | 0.5 | |
| | IMMORTAL | Integrated Multi-functional Mockup for TEF-T Real-scale Target Loop | LFR | Japan | | Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics, Materials, Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 500 | 0.5 | |
| | ADSMIF | ADS Material Irradiation Facility in J-PARC | LFR | Japan | 250 | Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Zero power facility for V&V and licensing purposes, Thermal-hydraulics, Materials, Systems and components | | | |
| | HELIOS | Heavy Eutectic Liquid metal Loop for the Investigation of Operability and Safety of PEACER | LFR | Korea | 60 | Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics, Coolant chemistry, Materials, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 350 | 1 | |
| | IPUL | Experimental lead – bismuth loop | LFR | Latvia | 20 | Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics, Materials, Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 450 | 1 | |
| | B-2 | Aerodynamic facility “В-2” for research into hydrodynamic processes in the channels of the reactor heat-exchange equipment. | LFR, Cross-cutting (dual application) | Russia | 60 | Air | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics | 50 | | 3,000 |
| | BFS1 | Fast critical facility «BFS-1». | LFR, Cross-cutting (dual application) | Russia | 0.2 | Air | in operation | Zero power facility for V&V and licensing purposes, Design basis accidents (DBA) and design extended conditions (DEC) | 70 | | |
| | BFS2 | A full-scale physical model of a high-power BN-type reactor– the «BFS-2» critical facility. | LFR, Cross-cutting (dual application) | Russia | 1 | Sodium, Lead, Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE), Water, Air, Other | in operation | Zero power facility for V&V and licensing purposes, Design basis accidents (DBA) and design extended conditions (DEC) | 70 | | |
| | SGDI | Facility SGDI for hydrodynamic studies of flow parts of reactor equipment models | LFR | Russia | 700 | Air | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics | 50 | 0.1 | 3,000 |
| | SGI | Facility “SGI” for studies of thermohydraulic characteristics of atomic power plants | LFR, Cross-cutting (dual application) | Russia | 250 | Water | in operation | Design basis accidents (DBA) and design extended conditions (DEC), Thermal-hydraulics | 80 | 2.5 | 150 |
| | SPRUT | Liquid metal test facility “SPRUT” for studying thermal - hydraulic processes in steam generators and heat-exchanging equipment | LFR | Russia | 2,000 | Sodium, Lead, Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE), Water | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics | 550 | 20 | 15 |
| | TT-1M | “TT-1M” liquid metal facility for heavy liquid metal coolant technology integrated studies | LFR | Russia | 300 | Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Coolant chemistry, Materials, Systems and components | 550 | 1.8 | 6.5 |
| | TT-2M | Liquid metal facility “TT-2M” to study physical and chemical processes caused by interaction of liquid metal coolant Pb-Bi with water, air, ceramic and composite materials, carbon | LFR | Russia | 220 | Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Coolant chemistry, Materials, Systems and components | 550 | | 5 |
| | V-200 | Three loop water facility “V-200” with an integrated model of the fast reactor designed to study thermal hydraulic processes in primary elements under various operation conditions | LFR | Russia | 150 | Water | in operation | Design basis accidents (DBA) and design extended conditions (DEC), Thermal-hydraulics | 95 | 0.1 | |
| | 6B | Liquid metal test facility “6B” for studying thermal hydraulic processes in cores and heat-exchanging equipment (liquid metal test facility “6B”). | SFR, LFR, Cross-cutting (dual application) | Russia | 1,200 | Sodium, Other | in operation | Design basis accidents (DBA) and design extended conditions (DEC), Thermal-hydraulics, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 450 | 0.6 | 150 |
| | LINCE | LINCE | LFR | Spain | 80 | Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | stand-by | Materials, Systems and components | 550 | 1 | |
| | SFLM | Small facilities for LM corrosion tests. Stagnant and natural convection | LFR | Spain | 235 | Lead, Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Coolant chemistry, Materials | 150 | 1 | |
| | TALL3D | Thermal-hydraulic ADS Lead-bismuth Loop with 3D flow test section | LFR | Sweden | 80 | Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Design basis accidents (DBA) and design extended conditions (DEC), Thermal-hydraulics, Systems and components | 460 | 1 | |
| | DELTA | DEvelopment of Lead Alloy Technical Applications | LFR | USA | 50 | Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | stand-by | Thermal-hydraulics, Coolant chemistry, Materials | 100 | 0.7 | 5 |
| | CEDI | CEDI | SFR | China | 450 | Sodium | stand-by | Design basis accidents (DBA) and design extended conditions (DEC), Thermal-hydraulics | 600 | 1.2 | 320 |
| | ESPRESSO | ESPRESSO | SFR | China | 450 | Sodium | stand-by | Design basis accidents (DBA) and design extended conditions (DEC), Thermal-hydraulics | 600 | 1 | 140 |
| | FRIYG-l | Fast Reactor Fuel rod simulator hydraulic test Rig | SFR | China | 50 | Water | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics | 95 | 0.8 | 160 |
| | HTMTSL | High Temperature Mass Transfer Sodium Loop | SFR | China | 85 | Sodium | stand-by | Materials | 650 | 0.2 | 5 |
| | HTTCSL | High Temperature Thermal Convection Sodium Loop | SFR | China | 15 | Sodium | stand-by | Materials | 550 | 0.2 | |
| | MSSPD | Middle Size Sodium Purification Device | SFR | China | 120 | Sodium | in operation | Coolant chemistry | 350 | 0.4 | 2 |
| | SIPHON | Siphon broken device test rig | SFR | China | 50 | Water | stand-by | Design basis accidents (DBA) and design extended conditions (DEC), Thermal-hydraulics | 65 | 0.4 | 20 |
| | TSBS | Thermal hydraulic loops for Single-phase and Boiling two-phase sodium | SFR | China | 170 | Sodium | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics, Materials | 500 | 0.6 | 10 |
| | BACCARA | Banc de Caractérisation d’Assemblages de Réacteurs Avancés | SFR, Cross-cutting (dual application) | France | 115 | Water | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics | 110 | 1.5 | 250 |
| | CARNAC | CARNAC (Continuous sodium (Na) Carbonation | SFR | France | | Sodium | in operation | Coolant chemistry | 60 | | |
| | CHEOPS - NADYNE_Esa | NADYNE | SFR | France | 300 | Sodium | under design | Thermal-hydraulics, Systems and components | 700 | 0.5 | 200 |
| | CHEOPS - NAIMMO_Esa | NAIMMO | SFR | France | 300 | Sodium | under design | Thermal-hydraulics, Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 580 | 0.5 | 200 |
| | CHEOPS - NSET_Esa | NSET | SFR | France | 3,000 | Sodium, Other | under design | Thermal-hydraulics, Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 530 | 18 | |
| | CORONA | Corrosion in Sodium (Na) | SFR | France | 6 | Sodium, Other | in operation | Materials | 700 | 0.1 | |
| | DIADEMO Na | DIADEMO Na | SFR | France | 40 | Sodium, Other | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics, Systems and components | 550 | 10 | 2 |
| | DOLMEN | DOLMEN (Double Latitude pour Maintenance En sodium (Na)) | SFR | France | 70 | Sodium | in operation | Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 600 | | |
| | FUTUNA 2 | FUTUNA2 | SFR | France | 30 | Sodium | in operation | Coolant chemistry, Materials, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 550 | 0.4 | |
| | IRINA | IRINA - Installation de Recherche pour l’Instrumentation en sodium Na – (Research Facility for in sodium instrumentation) | SFR | France | 25 | Sodium | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics, Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 550 | 0.05 | |
| | LIQUIDUS | LIQUIDUS | SFR | France | 3 | Sodium | in operation | Materials, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 500 | 0.0004 | |
| | MASURCA | MASURCA | SFR, Cross-cutting (dual application) | France | 5 | Air | stand-by | Zero power facility for V&V and licensing purposes | 35 | | |
| | MECANA | MECANA (MEChAnical Tests facility in sodium (NA)) | SFR | France | | Sodium | under construction | Instrumentation & ISI&R | 425 | 0.05 | 2 |
| | PEMDYN | PEMDYN (Electromagnetic Pump in Dynamic Conditions) | SFR | France | 400 | Sodium | in operation | Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 220 | 1 | 1,200 |
| | PENELOPE | PENELOPE | SFR | France | 7 | Sodium | in operation | Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 500 | | |
| | PLATEAU | Plateforme en eau | SFR | France | 250 | Water | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics, Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 60 | 0.5 | 350 |
| | PLINIUS 2 | Platform for Improvements in Nuclear Industry and Utility Safety | SFR | France | 4 | Sodium, Water, Other | under design | Design basis accidents (DBA) and design extended conditions (DEC), Materials, Systems and components | 2,700 | | |
| | SUPERFENNEC | SUPERPHENIX boucle sodium Ecole (Superphenix training sodium loop) | SFR | France | 100 | Sodium | in operation | Coolant chemistry, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 600 | 0.05 | 2 |
| | ALINA | Karlsruhe experiments with Li and Na free jet | SFR | Germany | 120 | Sodium | stand-by | Thermal-hydraulics, Materials, Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 300 | 0.1 | 20 |
| | VKS2 | Von Karman Sodium 2 | SFR | France | 400 | Sodium | in operation | Instrumentation & ISI&R | 180 | | |
| | DRESDYN | Dresden sodium facility for dynamo and thermohydraulic studies | SFR | Germany | 1,000 | Sodium | under construction | Thermal-hydraulics, Instrumentation & ISI&R | | | |
| | KASOLA | Karlsruhe Sodium Laboratory | SFR | Germany | 800 | Sodium | under construction | Design basis accidents (DBA) and design extended conditions (DEC), Thermal-hydraulics, Coolant chemistry, Materials, Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 550 | 6 | 50 |
| | NATAN | NATrium-VersuchsANlage (in German | SFR | Germany | | Sodium | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics, Materials, Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 400 | | |
| | SOLTEC | Sodium Loop to Test materials and Corrosion | SFR | Germany | | Sodium | in operation | Design basis accidents (DBA) and design extended conditions (DEC), Thermal-hydraulics, Coolant chemistry, Materials, Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 800 | 6 | |
| | 500kW Sodium Loop | 500kW Sodium Loop | SFR | India | 500 | Sodium | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics, Systems and components | 550 | 0.5 | 60 |
| | BIM | BI-Metalic Sodium Loop | SFR | India | 180 | Sodium | in operation | Materials, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 525 | 0.4 | 5 |
| | INSOT Creep loop | In Sodium Test Facility – Creep loop | SFR | India | 60 | Sodium | in operation | Materials | 625 | 1 | 1 |
| | LCTMF | Leak Collection Tray Mockup | SFR | India | | Water | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics, Systems and components | | 1 | |
| | LCTR | Large Component Test Rig | SFR | India | | Sodium | in operation | Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 550 | 0.5 | |
| | LEENA | Leak Experiments in NAtrium loop | SFR | India | 50 | Sodium | in operation | Instrumentation & ISI&R | 550 | 0.4 | |
| | SADHANA | SAfety Decay Heat Analysis in NAtrium loop | SFR | India | 440 | Sodium | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics | 550 | 0.4 | 7 |
| | SAMRAT | SCALED MODEL OF REACTOR ASSEMBLY FOR THERMAL HYDRAULIC STUDIES | SFR | India | 180 | Water | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics | 70 | 1.3 | 2,000 |
| | SGTF | STEAM GENERATOR TEST FACILITY | SFR | India | 5,000 | Sodium | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 525 | 18 | 105 |
| | SILVERINA Sodium Loop | SILVERINA Sodium loop | SFR | India | 180 | Sodium | in operation | Materials | 550 | 0.5 | 8 |
| | SOWART | SODIUM WATER REACTION TEST RIG | SFR | India | 330 | Sodium | in operation | Design basis accidents (DBA) and design extended conditions (DEC), Materials, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 500 | 0.8 | 10 |
| | Sub Assembly Hydraulic Test Rig | SUB ASSEMBLY HYDRAULIC TEST RIG | SFR | India | 120 | Water | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics | 70 | 2.2 | 250 |
| | TSTF | TSTF - THERMAL SHOCK TEST FACILITY | SFR | India | 35 | Sodium | in operation | Materials | 500 | 0.25 | 15 |
| | AtheNa | Advanced TecHnology Experiment Sodium(Na) facility | SFR | Japan | 60 | Sodium | in operation | Design basis accidents (DBA) and design extended conditions (DEC), Thermal-hydraulics, Systems and components | 500 | 20 | 1,800 |
| | CCTL | Core Component Thermal-hydraulic Test Loop | SFR | Japan | 1,000 | Sodium | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics | 625 | 0.8 | |
| | MELT | MELT | SFR | Japan | 300 | Sodium, Water | in operation | Design basis accidents (DBA) and design extended conditions (DEC), Thermal-hydraulics | 600 | 0.5 | |
| | PLANDTL | Plant Dynamics Test Loop | SFR | Japan | 1,000 | Sodium | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics, Systems and components | 625 | 0.8 | |
| | SAPFIRE | SAfety Phenomenology tests on sodium leak, FIREs and aerosols | SFR | Japan | | Sodium | in operation | Design basis accidents (DBA) and design extended conditions (DEC), Coolant chemistry | 880 | 0.5 | |
| | SWAT | Sodium-WAter reaction Test facility | SFR | Japan | 1,200 | Sodium | in operation | Design basis accidents (DBA) and design extended conditions (DEC), Coolant chemistry, Materials, Systems and components | 1,200 | 24 | |
| | ITSL | Instrumentation Test Sodium Loop | SFR | Korea | 100 | Sodium | in operation | Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 550 | 300 | |
| | SOFUS | SOdium test Facility for Under-Sodium visualization | SFR | Korea | 18 | Sodium | in operation | Instrumentation & ISI&R | 250 | 0.15 | |
| | STELLA-1 | Sodium Integral Effect Test Loop for Safety Simulation and Assessment | SFR | Korea | 2,500 | Sodium | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics, Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 180 | 1 | |
| | STELLA-2 | Sodium Integral Effect Test Loop for Safety Simulation and Assessment: Phase 2 | SFR | Korea | 2,000 | Sodium | under design | Design basis accidents (DBA) and design extended conditions (DEC), Thermal-hydraulics, Systems and components | | | |
| | RIGADYN | RIGADYN -Riga MHD Dynamo test facility | SFR | Latvia | 200 | Sodium | planned and to be operated by 2020 | Design basis accidents (DBA) and design extended conditions (DEC), Thermal-hydraulics, Systems and components | 300 | 0.5 | |
| | TESLA | Experimental sodium loop (DN125mm) | SFR | Latvia | 75 | Sodium | in operation | Design basis accidents (DBA) and design extended conditions (DEC), Thermal-hydraulics, Materials, Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 500 | 0.5 | |
| | ST-300 | Thermo-vacuum chamber for high temperature LM tests | SFR | Latvia | 300 | Sodium, Other | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics, Materials, Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | | | |
| | AR-1 | High-temperature liquid-metal test facility for investi-gation of Accident Regimes of fast neutron reactors (AR-1 facil-ity). | SFR | Russia | 750 | Sodium, Other | in operation | Design basis accidents (DBA) and design extended conditions (DEC), Thermal-hydraulics | 950 | 0.6 | 25 |
| | B-2 | B- 2 -Aerodynamic facility | SFR, Cross-cutting (dual application) | Russia | 60 | Air | in operation | Design basis accidents (DBA) and design extended conditions (DEC) | 50 | | 10,000 |
| | BFS1 | BFS-1 - Fast critical facility | SFR, Cross-cutting (dual application) | Russia | 0.2 | Sodium, Lead, Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE), Water, Air, Other | in operation | Zero power facility for V&V and licensing purposes, Design basis accidents (DBA) and design extended conditions (DEC) | | | |
| | BFS2 | BFS-2 -A full-scale critical facility | SFR, Cross-cutting (dual application) | Russia | 1 | Sodium, Lead, Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE), Water, Air, Other | in operation | Zero power facility for V&V and licensing purposes, Design basis accidents (DBA) and design extended conditions (DEC) | 70 | | |
| | Pluton | Facility "Pluton" for investigation of thermal interaction of corium simulators with sodium | SFR | Russia | 150 | Sodium | in operation | Design basis accidents (DBA) and design extended conditions (DEC) | 650 | 2.5 | |
| | Protva-1 | Sodium facility “Protva-1” | SFR | Russia | 800 | Sodium, Other | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics, Coolant chemistry, Materials, Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 780 | 0.06 | 200 |
| | SGDI | SGDI | SFR, Cross-cutting (dual application) | Russia | 700 | Air | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics | 50 | 66,000 | |
| | SGI | SGI | SFR, Cross-cutting (dual application) | Russia | 250 | Water | in operation | Design basis accidents (DBA) and design extended conditions (DEC), Thermal-hydraulics | 80 | 2.5 | 150 |
| | SPRUT | SPRUT | SFR, Cross-cutting (dual application) | Russia | 2,000 | Sodium, Lead, Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE), Water | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics | 550 | 20 | 15 |
| | V-200 | V-200 | SFR | Russia | 150 | Water | in operation | Design basis accidents (DBA) and design extended conditions (DEC), Thermal-hydraulics | 95 | 0.1 | |
| | ALEX | Argonne Liquid metal Experiment facility | SFR | USA | | Sodium, Other | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics, Coolant chemistry, Materials, Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 750 | 13.8 | |
| | Creep lab-MPM | Creep testing facilities | SFR | USA | | Other | in operation | Materials | | | |
| | Fracture Mechanics Laboratory | Fracture Mechanics Laboratory | SFR | USA | | Other | in operation | Materials | | | |
| | Hydraulic lab-MPM | Servo-hydraulic mechanical testing facilities | SFR | USA | | Other | in operation | Materials | | | |
| | MCF | MSTD Materials Characterization Facility | SFR | USA | | Other | in operation | Materials | | | |
| | Material Processing Facility | Material Processing Facility | SFR | USA | | Other | in operation | Materials | | | |
| | METL | -Mechanisms Engineering Test Loop | SFR | USA | 1,000 | Sodium | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics, Coolant chemistry, Materials, Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 650 | | |
| | SNAKE | S-CO2, Na Kinetics Experiment | SFR | USA | | Sodium | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics, Coolant chemistry | 538 | 20 | |
| | UW Sodium loops 1&2 | University of Wisconsin Sodium Loops 1 and 2 | SFR | USA | 2.4 | Sodium | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics, Coolant chemistry, Materials, Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | | | |
| | VENUS-F | Vulcan Experimental Nuclear Study-Fast | LFR | Belgium | 0.1 | Air | in operation | Zero power facility for V&V and licensing purposes, Instrumentation & ISI&R | | | |
| | INSOT Fatigue loop | In Sodium Test Facility – Fatigue loop | SFR | India | 60 | Sodium | in operation | Materials | 600 | 1 | 1 |
| | 6B | liquid metal test facility “6B | SFR, LFR, Cross-cutting (dual application) | Russia | 1,200 | Sodium, Other | in operation | Design basis accidents (DBA) and design extended conditions (DEC), Thermal-hydraulics, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 450 | 0.6 | 150 |
| | CORRIDA | Corrosion in Dynamic Alloys | LFR | Germany | 250 | Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Coolant chemistry, Materials | 550 | 0.1 | |
| | LIFUS5 | Lithium FUSion | LFR | Italy | 90 | Lead, Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE), Other | in operation | Design basis accidents (DBA) and design extended conditions (DEC), Thermal-hydraulics, Coolant chemistry, Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 220 | 20 | |
| | VAIANA | VAIANA | SFR | France | 2 | Sodium | in operation | Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 500 | 0.0003 | |
| | JANNUS | Joint Accelerators for Nanoscience and Nuclear Simulation | SFR | France | | | in operation | Zero power facility for V&V and licensing purposes, Materials | 1,200 | | |
| | LECI | LECI | SFR | France | | Other | in operation | Zero power facility for V&V and licensing purposes, Materials | 1,800 | 0.1 | |
| | SFCT | Sodium Facility for Component | SFR | India | 220 | Sodium | planned and to be operated by 2020 | Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 580 | 0.2 | 120 |
| | LSTF | Large Sodium test Facility | SFR | India | 400 | Sodium | under construction | Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 600 | 0.2 | 30 |
| | Hall -IV | Hall -IV Hydraulics Test facility | SFR | India | 1,000 | Water | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics | 70 | 2.3 | 4,000 |
| | FAMPEX | Fuel Assembly Mechanical Performance Experimental Facility | SFR | Korea | | Water | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics, Materials, Systems and components | 30 | 0.1 | |
| | iHELP | Intermediate Heat Exchanger Test Loop for PGSFR | SFR | Korea | 120 | Water | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics, Systems and components | 35 | 0.4 | 194 |
| | PRESCO | Pressure and Core Flow Distribution for PGSFR | SFR | Korea | 120 | Water | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics, Systems and components | 60 | 0.4 | 178 |
| | SELFA | Sodium thermal-hydraulic Experiment Loop for Finned-tube sodium-to-Air heat exchanger | SFR | Korea | 650 | Sodium | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics, Systems and components | 350 | 0.2 | 11 |
| | SSL-EMT | Small Sodium Loop for EM pump Testing | SFR | Latvia | 10 | Sodium | under construction | Thermal-hydraulics, Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 350 | 1 | 36 |
| | LEPUMP | Lead-bismuth Eutectic Primary Pump Test Facility | LFR | China | 18.5 | Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Materials, Systems and components | 200 | 0.1 | |
| | LEREFM | Lead-bismuth Eutectic REFueling Machine experimental facility | LFR | China | 280 | Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Systems and components | 200 | 0.1 | |
| | LETEA | Lead-bismuth Eutectic Thermal-hydraulic Experimental fAcility | LFR | China | 500 | Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics, Systems and components | 450 | 1 | 10 |
| | LECHEM | Lead-bismuth Eutectic CHEMitsry experimental facility | LFR | China | 18 | Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Coolant chemistry | 500 | 0.5 | 3.5 |
| | CORTEST | CORrosion TEst STand | LFR | China | 7 | Lead, Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Coolant chemistry, Materials | 550 | | |
| | POST | POlonium test STand | LFR | China | 5 | Lead, Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Coolant chemistry | 800 | 0.1 | |
| | LELECO | Lead-bismuth Eutectic LOng-term COrrosion experimental facility | LFR | China | 200 | Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | under design | Coolant chemistry, Materials, Systems and components | 550 | 0.1 | |
| | LECOTH | Lead-bismuth Eutectic COmprehensive THermal-hydraulic test facility | LFR | China | 2,500 | Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | under design | Thermal-hydraulics, Systems and components | 550 | 0.1 | 30 |
| | LEMETS | Lead-bismuth Eutectic Mechanical Testing Stand | LFR | China | 30 | Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | under design | Coolant chemistry, Materials | 600 | 0.1 | |
| | KYLIN-II-LMCT | High-temperature Liquid Metal Creep Test Facility | LFR | China | 30 | Lead, Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Materials | 600 | | |
| | KYLIN-II-LMFT | High-temperature Liquid Metal Fatigue Test Facility | LFR | China | 40 | Lead, Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Materials | 600 | | |
| | KYLIN-II-SSRT | High-temperature Liquid Metal Slow Strain Rate Tensile Test Facility | LFR | China | 20 | Lead, Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Materials | 600 | | |
| | CRDM | Validation Device of Control Rod Drive Mechanism of Lead based Reactor | LFR | China | 200 | Lead, Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 400 | 0.7 | |
| | LMCS | Loop for Material Corrosion Studies in Pb and Pb eutectic (PbBi, PbLi) at high temperature in presence of magnetic field | LFR | Latvia | 15 | Lead, Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE), Other | in operation | Materials | 550 | 0.6 | 0.72 |
| | KALINA | Hydrolysis Cell KALINA | SFR | France | | | in operation | Zero power facility for V&V and licensing purposes, Design basis accidents (DBA) and design extended conditions (DEC), Coolant chemistry | | | |
| | MECI | MECI (MECanique Incidentelle) | SFR | France | | Air, Other | stand-by | Design basis accidents (DBA) and design extended conditions (DEC), Materials | 1,300 | 18 | |
| | MININANET | Small cleaning pit for sodium | SFR | France | | | in operation | Design basis accidents (DBA) and design extended conditions (DEC), Coolant chemistry | 80 | 0.7 | |
| | VAUTOUR | Hydrolysis cell VAUTOUR | SFR | France | | | in operation | Design basis accidents (DBA) and design extended conditions (DEC), Coolant chemistry | 500 | | |
| | SERF | Sodium Engineering Research Facility | SFR | Japan | 200 | Sodium | in operation | Design basis accidents (DBA) and design extended conditions (DEC), Coolant chemistry, Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 650 | 0.5 | 300 |
| | ATHENA | Advanced Thermo-Hydraulics Experiment for Nuclear Application | LFR | Romania | 2,210 | Lead | under design | Design basis accidents (DBA) and design extended conditions (DEC), Thermal-hydraulics, Coolant chemistry, Materials, Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 480 | 2 | |
| | ChemLab | Lead Chemistry Laboratory | LFR | Romania | | Lead | under design | Coolant chemistry, Materials, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 550 | 0.15 | |
| | ELF | European Lead Fast facility | LFR | Romania | 1,000 | Lead | under design | Design basis accidents (DBA) and design extended conditions (DEC), Thermal-hydraulics, Coolant chemistry, Materials, Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 450 | 1.2 | 150 |
| | HELENA2 | Heavy Liquid Metal Experimental Loop for Advanced Nuclear Applications - ALFRED Fuel Assembly Characterization | LFR | Romania | 1,200 | Lead | under design | Thermal-hydraulics, Coolant chemistry, Materials, Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 550 | 1 | |
| | LOBO | Lobo Lead Loop | LFR | USA | 48 | Lead | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics, Coolant chemistry, Materials, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 700 | | |
| | IVFH | In-vessel Fuel Handling System | LFR | China | | Lead, Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) | in operation | Materials, Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 400 | 1 | |
| | IRS-M | Sodium test facility «IRS-M» for investigations and tests of flow meters and flow-measuring devices | SFR | Russia | 350 | Sodium | in operation | Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 500 | 0.8 | 100 |
| | Protva-2 | Sodium test facility "Protva-2" for technological research | SFR | Russia | 350 | Sodium | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics, Coolant chemistry, Materials, Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 550 | 0.6 | 50 |
| | SAZ | Research test facility «SAZ» for emergency protection systems for sodium-water steam generators (SAZ) | SFR | Belgium | 3,000 | Sodium | under construction | Design basis accidents (DBA) and design extended conditions (DEC), Thermal-hydraulics, Coolant chemistry, Materials, Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 510 | 0.9 | 1,200 |
| | SID | Test facility “SID” for studying of sodium purification from carbon impurity | SFR | Russia | 200 | Sodium | in operation | Design basis accidents (DBA) and design extended conditions (DEC) | 350 | 0.6 | 10 |
| | VTS | High-temperature sodium test facility “VTS” | SFR | Russia | 1,200 | Sodium | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics, Coolant chemistry, Materials, Systems and components, Instrumentation & ISI&R | 950 | 1 | 25 |
| | PHEASANT | PHenomena clarification Experimental Apparatus for Severe AccideNT | LFR | Japan | 65 | Water | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics, Systems and components | 50 | 0.5 | |
| | VLF | Versatile Loop Facility | LFR | UK | 500 | Lead, Water | in operation | Thermal-hydraulics | 650 | 2 | 180 |
| | PHFR | Passive Heat Removal Facility | LFR | UK | 500 | Water, Air | in operation | Design basis accidents (DBA) and design extended conditions (DEC), Thermal-hydraulics | 700 | | |