Nuclear energy may play a key role in addressing global interest in achieving carbon neutrality. For nuclear energy to play that part, it is vital that the international nuclear community works increasingly together to develop common approaches in both the industrial and regulatory fields.
The IAEA and its Member States are already active in this area but much more needs to be done. Because of its mandate and global membership, the IAEA is the international body best placed to bring that community together.
Through this initiative, the IAEA is bringing together top-level decision makers from governments, regulators, designers, technology holders, operators, non-traditional end-users, and other international organisations and associations to collaborate under one framework.
The effective global deployment of safe and secure advanced nuclear reactors.
Technical publications, reports, and networks of collaboration to support technology holders and operators develop more standardized industrial approaches for design, manufacturing, construction, commissioning, and operation of SMRs, as well as generic users’ requirements and criteria.
A series of technical publications with solutions for increasing regulatory collaboration towards global harmonisation in the pre-licensing processes, and multi-national review of selected SMR designs – with an agreed expectation of the high levels of safety and security for such advanced designs.
To meet this goal, the IAEA set up two separate but complementary tracks for the technology holders/operators and the regulators, with Agency facilitation and support, aiming at developing deliverables for the achievement of the common goal. The two tracks are the NHSI Regulatory Track and the NHSI Industry Track.
An interface mechanism has been set up for cross-information and cross-participation between both tracks.
Material from the NHSI Plenaries can be found in our Meeting Materials page
Key Enablers
- Developing common industrial approaches by technology holders and users’ requirements and criteria by operators, consistent with fair global competition, intellectual property rights protection, and not hampering innovation and continuous improvement.
- Developing harmonized regulatory approaches between national regulatory bodies, including a common set of internationally recognized reference framework and processes for leveraging and collaborating during licensing and pre-licensing reviews, while maintaining national responsibilities for safety and security.
The IAEA's Nuclear Harmonization and Standardization Initiative has a clear goal, key enablers, and roles for all parties so that, together, we can help achieve a decarbonized future for the world.