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Application Administrator Help

The NUCLEUS admin page is accessible to application administrators, who need to give and remove access rights to the users.
To get there, go to the Manage application page by:

  • Clicking on your name button in the top right-hand corner of any NUCLEUS page.
  • Choose from three visible options NUCLEUS admin. three choice.PNG
  • Select the application to or from which you need to add or remove a user.

manager aplication 2.PNG 

Once you select the application you need to work with, the system automatically generates a list of all users, who already have access.
If you want to add several roles to a particular user, you can select more than one application at once by :

one user - several roles.PNG
  • Clicking on the Add User(s) To Role button. add user role.PNG
  • A new window opens, and you can find and add one or more new user to the application. To find a user, you can search by First Name, Last Name or Email. add user role - searching tool.PNG
  • If you want to remove a user, choose the particular user from the list and click on the Remove User From Role button. remove user from role.PNG