The NUCLEUS admin page is accessible to application administrators, who need to give and remove access rights to the users.
To get there, go to the Manage application page by:
- Clicking on your name button in the top right-hand corner of any NUCLEUS page.
- Choose from three visible options NUCLEUS admin.

- Select the application to or from which you need to add or remove a user.
Once you select the application you need to work with, the system automatically generates a list of all users, who already have access.
If you want to add several roles to a particular user, you can select more than one application at once by :

- Clicking on the Add User(s) To Role button.

- A new window opens, and you can find and add one or more new user to the application. To find a user, you can search by First Name, Last Name or Email.

- If you want to remove a user, choose the particular user from the list and click on the Remove User From Role button.