Seven posters in the radiation application subject areas of Diagnostic Radiology, Industrial Irradiators, Industrial Radiography, Nuclear Gauges, Nuclear Medicine, Radioactive Tracers and Radiotherapy related to Radiation Protection of Workers were approved for publication on 3 May 2011 by the International Atomic Energy Agency. They represent publicity material for the targeted groups of workers. The posters are published in hardcopy with electronic versions available on this website.
Posters on Individual Monitoring for External Exposure were added in December 2020.
The radiation protection posters on this site are available for free download (subject to conditions specified in 'Intended use' and 'Disclaimer' below).
EnglishFrenchChinese Portuguese
EnglishChineseFrench Portuguese
English ChineseFrenchRussianPortuguese
Whole-body thermoluminescence dosimetry (English)Extremity thermoluminescence dosimetry (English)Active personal dosimetry (English)
Approved Radiation protection posters may be copied, distributed, displayed, incorporated in customized presentations and used for non-commercial use as long as the source of the material is referenced to the IAEA approved posters. Any commercial organization wishing to use the material of approved posters for financial gain must first receive written permission from the IAEA to use the material and then reference the source.
If an approved Radiation Protection posters is customized such that it is no longer consistent with international basic safety standards, the user must not characterize the result as an IAEA approved Radiation Protection posters. If an approved posters is translated into any language/s other than the IAEA official languages, the IAEA cannot be held responsible for any translation errors or changes in context that result from the translation.