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IBA-video demonstrations

IBA methods-Practical demonstrations

Demonstration of PIXE experiment

Duration: 13:13 min

Language: English (with English subtitles)

This video is showing all steps in performing PIXE experiments, including:

- Selection of samples and their mounting into the scattering chamber

- Description of accelerator system, from the sputtering ion source to the scattering chamber

- Description of scattering chamber interior including detectors used for the experiment

- Establishment of appropriate vacuum conditions and proton beam intensity

- Acquisition of PIXE spectra for thin standards and unknown samples


Demonstration of RBS and ERDA experiment

Duration: 19:42 min

Language: English (with English subtitles)

This video is showing all steps in performing RBS and TOF ERDA experiments, including:

- Selection of samples and their mounting into the scattering chamber

- Description of accelerator system, from the duoplasmatron charge exchange ion source to the scattering chamber

- Description of scattering chamber interior including RBS detector used for the experiment

- Establishment of appropriate vacuum conditions and He ion beam intensity

- Acquisition of RBS spectra for thin standards and unknown sample

- Explanation of TOF-ERDA setup and acquisition of 2D TOF/deltaE spectra


Demonstration of NRA and PIGE experiment

Duration: 11:50 min

Language: English (with English subtitles)

This video is showing all steps in performing NRA and PIGE experiments, including:

- Selection of samples and their mounting into the scattering chamber

- Description of accelerator system, scattering chamber interior including detectors for NRA and Ge detector for PIGE

- Acquisition of NRA spectra for standard and unknown sample

- Acquisition of PIGE spectra for standard and unknown sample


Demonstration of microprobe experiment

Duration: 10:26 min

Language: English (with English subtitles)

This video is showing the principles of ion microprobe system and main applications of focussed beams, including:

- Selection of samples and their mounting into the scattering chamber

- Description of accelerator system and principles of ion beam focussing and scanning

- Performance of PIXE imaging application

- Performance of MeV TOF SIMS analysis

- Basics of low current microbeam techniques including IBIC


