Radiation detectors
Ionization chambers, proportional counters, Geiger-Muller tubes, scintillation counters and semiconductor detectors are used to monitor and quantify the α, β, γ and neutron radiation of the environment. Detectors are chosen depending on the application. The type of radiation to be detected, required sensitivity (detector's efficiency), the maximum count rate capacity, energy resolution as well as supposed level of activity to be measured are most dominant selection factors.

If the identification of radionuclides is required, only detectors capable of producing a signal proportional to the energy of the detected photons or alpha particles can be used.
NSIL evaluates the performance of different commercially available detectors and associated electronic devices, but also tests recent developments in detector and signal processing technologies by producing experimental prototypes.
New developments at NSIL are focused on lightweight measuring equipment adopted for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) systems that will be able to operate for a sufficient time over the area of interest and will provide detection and spectrometric data. Classical NaI (Tl) are modified and new scintillation detectors such as CeBr3, LBC or SrI2 are being tested. With a maximum crystal size of 2x2 inch used in combination with SiPM, development and tests are ongoing to achieve a spectrometric resolution below 4%.