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XRF-Practical demonstrations

XRF-Practical demonstrations

Preparation of solid samples for XRF analysis

Duration: 00:39:04

Language: English (CC optional)

This video contains recommendations for sample treatment of soils and sediments, including:

- Drying of samples

- Segregation of sample by sieving

- Determination of losses of mositure and losses on ingntiion

- Preparation of pressed pellets

Handheld XRF analysis

Duration: 00:18:27

Language: English (CC optional)

This video contains recommendations for use of Handheld instruments for XRF analysis, including:

- Recommendations for safe operation and description of main components

- Selection of measurement conditions and performing measurements

- - Export of spectra and measurement results

- Evaluation of quality of results using Z and Zeta scores

Total Reflection XRF

Duration: 01:11:49

Language: English (CC optional)

This video contains recommendations for TXRF analysis, including:

- Recommendations for cleaning of reflectors and sample preparation

- Description of the instrument

- Verification of cleanliness of reflectors

- Measurement of samples and fitting of spectra with IAEA QXAS

- Performing calibration and analysis of unknown samples

- Determination of LODs and evaluation of quality of results using Z and Zeta scores

XRF analysis of soil and sediment samples

Duration: 00:35:20

Language: English (CC optional)

This video contains recommendations for the analysis of soil and sediment samples using and EDXR instrument with secondary targets, including:

- Description of the instrument

- Preparation of Application and defining Reference Materials for calibration

- Perfuming automatic batch of measurements 

- Analysis of unknown samples

- Evaluation of quality of results using Z and Zeta scores

WDXRF analysis of Organic samples

Duration: 00:13:44

Language: English (CC optional)

This video contains recommendations for the analysis of organic samples using WDXRF spectrometers and semiquantitative calibrations based on Fundamental Parameters, including:

- Description of the instrument and the software

- Performing automatic batch of measurements 

- Analysis of unknown samples

- Evaluation of quality of results using Z and Zeta scores

Assessing elemental distribution using Micro and Confocal XRF

Duration: 00:38:44

Language: English

This video provides recommendations to determine the 2D and 3D elemental distribution in small size samples, including:

o   Description of the instrument

o   Practical recommendations

o   Representation of measurement results

Assessing elemental distribution using Full-Field XRF

Duration: 00:38:33

Language: English

This video provides recommendations to determine the 2D and 3D elemental distribution in small size samples, including:

o   Description of the instrument

o   Practical recommendations

o   Representation of measurement results

  Introduction to Beamlines at Elettra Sincrotrone


XRF beamline

Duration: 00:13:09

Language: English 

This video presents the XRF beamline at Elettra Sincrotrone, including:

- Description of the available techniques

- Main features of the beamline

- Operation of the measurement chamber and use of the application software

XAFS beamline

Duration: 00:09:42

Language: English

This video presents the XAFS beamline at Elettra Sincrotrone, including:

o   Description of the techniques

o   Main features of the beamline

o   Operation of the chamber and use of the application software
