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World Mental Health Month 2022



​“Make mental health for all a global priority"​

The COVID-19 pandemic has, and continues to, take its toll on our mental health: according to the 2021 UN-Wide Health Survey results, 45% of UN personnel globally reported a worsening of their overall mental health if compared with 2019, and about 60% of respondents to the survey declared that stress has had an impact on their mental health. Within this context, promoting and protecting personnel mental health continues to be a priority at the United Nations.

World Mental Health Day is an opportunity to reaffirm the Organization’s commitment to the mental well-being of its personnel: key areas include investing in training and prevention, strengthen support for all personnel, and increase awareness against stigma and discrimination.

Throughout the month of October, UN System organizations will carry out events and activities to raise awareness and launch a call for action to make mental health for a all a global priority. We encourage UN personnel to join us in this effort and be part of the conversations.

For more information visit: https://www.un.org/en/healthy-workforce-home ​

Watch the recordings of all other 2022 VIC-based and global online events:

VIC, Oct 4, 15 - 16:00h CEST, "Reduce Stress with MS Outlook"
​​In this joint webinar, the IAEA Staff Counsellor, Johanna Schubert, will interview IAEA MTIT expert Christelle Kapoen, Associate Training Officer, on how to configure MS Outlook to reduce stress and free up time while being more efficient.

VIC, Oct 10, 11 - 12:30h CEST, "Staff Counselling Services and Self-Care for Resilience"
Find out what support UN Staff Counseling Services at the VIC can offer you to maintain, improve, and restore your well-being. Learn to recognize warning signs in yourself and others and what to do to stay well or get better. 
(Click here for the Self Care & Relaxation page​)

UN Secretariat, Oct 10, 15-16:00h CEST 
The UN Secretariat will host a panel discussion on this year's theme "Make mental health for all a global priority". 
(Click here to watch the recording)​

UN Geneva, Oct 11, 14 - 15:30h CEST, "Mental Health in the Workplace" 
Geneva UN staff counsellors will provide some practical suggestions about mental health in the workplace: psychological safety, empathy, burnout, and when passion dies in our work.
(Click here to watch the recordin​​g) ​

ONU​ Genève​, Oct 12, 14 - 15:30h CEST, "La Santé mentale au travail" 
Les conseillers du personnel du système d' ONU à Genève donneront des conseils pratiques sur la santé mentale au travail: la sécurité psychologique, l’empathie, l’épuisement professionnel et quand la passion pour notre travail meurt.
​​(​​Cliquez ici pour regarder le vidéo​​​​)

VIC, Oct 13, 12 - 12:20h CEST, Online Relaxation Session 
One effective way to counteract an unpleasant stress response is to master relaxation techniques. As with anything, the more we practice, the better we become at it, so you are invited to join VMS' regular bi-weekly online sessions, give it a try during Mental Health Month. 
(Click here to access the recordings)        

VIC, Oct 27, 12 - 12:20h CEST, Online Relaxation Session
​​One effective way to counteract an unpleasant stress response is to master relaxation techniques. As with anything, the more we practice, the better we become at it, so you are invited to join VMS' regular bi-weekly online sessions, give it a try during Mental Health Month.
(Click here to access the recordings)​

VIC, Nov 3, 15 - 16:00h CEST, "Reduce Stress with MS Teams"
​​In this joint webinar, the IAEA Staff Counsellor, Johanna Schubert, will interview IAEA MTIT expert Christelle Kapoen, Associate Training Officer, on how to configure MS Teams to reduce stress and free up time while being more efficient.

VIC, Nov 9, 11:30 - 12:30h CEST, "Introduction to the UN Lead & Learn Management Training"  

​​​This year, the UN Workplace Mental Health and Wellbeing team launched​ a special program for managers to ​​​create a positive work environment and support personnel who are experiencing a mental health condition.​
(Click here ​for the Lead and Learn Program page)

VIC, Nov 15, 14 - 15:30h CEST, "Presenting the WHO Guideline on Mental Health at Work" 
In this session, the VMS is presenting the much-anticipated new WHO/ILO guideline on Mental Health at Work.
(Click here to watch the recording of WHO guidelines on mental health in the workplace)

VIC, Oct 21​, 10 - 12:00h CEST, "Resilient Thinking", featured by Women in Nuclear. 
Surprisingly, research shows that the way we think about ourselves, our lives, and our challenges is one of the strongest factors that determines mental resilience. This event is featured by Women in Nuclear (WiN IAEA), a network of everyone working in the nuclear field in Vienna.​
(Click here for the 'Building Resilience' page)

Watch the UN Secretary-General's message for UN World Mental Health Day 2022:


Watch the recording of the 2022 World Mental Health Day Panel here:



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