
Asian Radiation Dosimetry Group (ARADOS) was founded by several researchers as a research platform of radiation dosimetry among Asian countries in 2015. Since its establishment, more than 20 member institutes from Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Kazakhstan have joined the ARADOS working group activities.


The main objectives of the Network are the following:

  • To enhance and harmonize radiation dosimetry capabilities in Asian countries.
  • To exchange the relevant research activities on radiation dosimetry of each member institute.
  • To prepare the joint response for radiation dosimetry services in radiological or nuclear emergencies.


ARADOS established the management organization consisting of chairperson, secretary, and working groups in 2016. Four different working groups were organized depending on the dosimetry methods, which have been operated by three working group coordinators from Japan, South Korea and China, respectively. And the leading committee of ARADOS was also composed of working group coordinators and key members leading the specific tasks in each working group.


  • Annual meetings
  • Training courses/Workshops
  • Intercomparison exercises

Web link: https://www.nirs.qst.go.jp/usr/ARADOS/index.php 
