
The ESOREX project has started in 1995 as studies funded by the European Commission for improving the harmonization of occupational radiation protection in Europe and for analyzing dose trends in various sectors of activity using radiation sources. In December 2012 the European Commission (EC) has entrusted the French Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) with the development of a web-based Platform within a three year contract, ending in December 2015.


The objectives of the ESOREX-Platform are:

  • to enable easy information and experience exchange between experts in occupational radiation exposure, e.g. from national dose registries
  • to assist in the implementation of requirements on occupational radiation protection in the EURATOM Basic Safety Standards Directive
  • to establish and maintain an overview on national arrangements for occupational radiation exposure in Europe
  • to create a database on occupational radiation exposure for the evaluation and assessment of occupational radiation exposure data
  • to promote the harmonization of data and information reporting formats within Europe and beyond
  • to establish working relationships with relevant international organizations and bodies.


The ESOREX-platform is managed by the IRSN until December, 2015.

Membership and organisation

ESOREX-platform is available both for public and experts (authorized people) by two different ways:

  • A “simple” mode offering predefined pages/charts for the description of national arrangements and data of occupational exposure
  • An “advanced” mode by which experts will have the ability to extract data according to multiple parameters and to export results. So far, 22 countries have designated ESOREX representatives (national administrator, national correspondents in charge of entering the national data and experts having access to the query tool).



What is new?

Graphs for monitored and measurably exposed workers for 9 countries are accessible for the years 2010-2015. The latest results for the year 2015 have been uploaded and can be found:
