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Training on synchrotron applications

Training on synchrotron applications

 Training Workshop on Synchrotron Applications and preparation of Research Proposals

NSIL organizes, jointly with Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste (EST), a Training Workshop on Synchrotron Technologies and Techniques and their Applications on a yearly basis. The Training allows people with no or limited experience in synchrotron light experiments to participate in hands-on experiments at different beamlines, as well as to learn how to write successful proposal applications in order to be able to secure beamtime for themselves.

The workshop includes lectures on general aspects of a synchrotron and design of a beamline, synchrotron light based analytical techniques and their applications and a presentation on how to write successful proposals. Hands-on training on advanced variants of XRF, XAS, and XRD is carried out at three EST beamlines (XRF, XAFS, and MCX, respectively). During the Training the students are asked to edit a draft of a proposal for beamtime allocation.  By the end of the Training Workshop, the attendees present their own proposal which is reviewed with the trainers and the other students.​ The lectures from last Workshop included:

XRF Related Activities at the IAEA Nuclear Science and Instrumentation Laboratory

- X-rays and synchrotron radiation​

- Synchrotron radiation: sources and figures of merit

Beamline design Optics and Instrumentation​

- Radiation matter interaction​s

- Introduction and principles of x-ray absorption spectroscopy​​

- ​Ray Fluorescence analysis​

The IAE​A ultra high v​acuum chamber at Elettra

Material characterization by X ray diffraction

Synchrotron X ray Powder Diffraction: Applicatio​ns​​

XAFS Applications in nanosciences​

X-ray Standing wave for Materials​ Science

​- Tutorial on XAFS analysis

- Example sof ap​plicat​ions of SXRF​​

 Images from TRW