13-15 April 2016 | IAEA Headquarter, Vienna, Austria
The 12th INPRO Dialogue Forum is organized within the framework of INPRO Task 4 (Dialogue and Outreach). This Dialogue Forum is organized by INPRO Section with support from Nuclear Power Technology Development Section, Planning and Economic Studies Section, and especially with strong support from the Generation IV International Forum.
The objectives of the 12th INPRO Dialogue Forum are follows:
- To familiarize Member States with Generation IV nuclear energy systems, especially the characteristics of such systems;
- To provide participants with an update on the six reactor technologies selected by GIF for further development, as well as on the work of the three GIF methodology working groups, on the current status of the Technology Roadmap for Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems, on the GIF governance structure, and on the recent extension of the GIF Framework Agreement;
- To discuss possibilities for participation in education and training (E&T) as well as knowledge management activities, with a focus on the IAEA’s fast reactor and high temperature reactor-related knowledge management activities, E&T materials and tools developed by GIF, and the GIF Education and Training Task Force;
- To examine ways of integrating fossil fuels, renewables and nuclear energy into future energy systems (especially based on some activities that GIF pursued within the framework of its project on VHTRs);
- To enable technology holders and newcomer countries to exchange information on national and international programmes relevant to Generation IV nuclear energy systems, including those dealing with non-electric applications of nuclear energy; and
- To consider mechanisms and options for facilitating and/or permitting the deployment of advanced/innovative reactor technologies.
Working documents
Innovative Nuclear Energy Systems Research and Development
Very High Temperature Reactor (VHTR) topical session
Lead-Cooled Fast Reactor (LFR) topical session
Gas-Cooled Fast Reactor (GFR) topical session
Molten Salt Reactor (MSR) topical session
Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor (SFR) topical session
Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor (SFR) topical session
Methodology Working Group topical session
Education and Training in support of innovative nuclear systems development
Innovative Nuclear Systems: the path forward
Concluding remarks