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22nd INPRO Dialogue Forum on Successful Development and Sustainable Deployment of SMRs
International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles (INPRO)

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​6–10 May 2024 | Je​ju Island, Republic of Korea​

The INPRO Dialogue Forums offer a platform for technology holders, technology users and other stakeholders to share information, perspectives and knowledge on issues related to sustainable nuclear energy development. The Dialogue Forums focus not only on technology, but also institutional aspects, such as market resources, effects of regulation, public acceptance and contribution to sustainable development.​

Jeju Island, Republic of Korea

​​​​Recently small modular reactors (SMRs) gained considerable attention and investments due to their compact size, enhanced safety features, scalability, and manufacturing ​​strategies that could provide flexibility and be cost-effective to meet growing energy demands. SMRs when integrated with renewable energy sources can support electrical grid stability, and States’ greenhouse gas emissions goals and energy security. For embarking countries, SMRs provide reliable clean energy, reduce reliance on fossil fuels, and promote economic growth. Meeting the socio-economic potential of SMR deployment will require collaboration among Member States, including both established and embarking countries. ​

The objectives of this INPRO Dialogue Forum are to:

  • Facilitate the rapid development and deployment of SMRs by promoting the exchange of knowledge, experiences, and best practices among key stakeholders, including governments, industry experts, academia, and international organizations
  • Promote sharing of research and development efforts aimed at advancing SMR technologies in safety, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness
  • Discuss common safety standards, licensing procedures, and guidelines to streamline the regulatory framework and infrastructure to support a consistent approach to SMR deployment across different regions;
  • Promote public awareness and engagement in terms of communication strategies for informing the public about the benefits, safety measures, proliferation resistance and environmental considerations associated with deployment of SMRs;
  • Analyse the specific requirements and needs of SMR vendors and Member States in using the INPRO methodology to support the sustainable deployment of SMRs; and​​​​
  • ​Develop recommendations for the IAEA Secretariat and the Member States in efficiently developing and effectively deploying SMRs.

Working Documents


Day 1, Monday, 6 May 2024, International Convention Centre Jeju

INTRO Sess​i​​on (Chaired by Mr SEO)
Member States Session I​​ ​(Chaired by​ Mr SETIADIPURA)
  • ​Opening Remarks​​​
    ​​Mr​ Topan SETIADIPURA, National Research and Innovation Agency (​BRIN)​, Indonesia​
  • Bangladesh​​​​
    ​​Mr​ Mohammad KHALAQUZZAMAN, Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC)​
  • Malaysia
    ​​Ms Julia ABDULKARIM, Malaysian Nuclear Agency
  • Thailand​​​​
    Mr Kampanart SILVA, ​National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA)​
  • Viet Nam​​​
    Mr Nhu Viet Ha PHAM, VINATOM
Member States Session II​​ ​(Chaired by​ Mr ARENAZA)
  • ​Opening Remarks​​​
    ​​Mr​ ​Ignacio De ARENAZA, National Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA)​, Argentina
  • Azerbaijan​​​​
    Mr Ramin PASHAYEV, State Agency on Nuclear and Radiological Activity Regulations (NRAR)
  • Slovakia​​​​
    Mr Boris CINTULA, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava​
  • Spain​​​​​
    Mr Federico PUENTE-ESPEL, Prodigy Clean Energy
  • Uzbekistan​​​​
    Mr Shokhmirzo UMAROV, Head of the Department of Nuclear energy and Technology, Agency UzAtom
  • Ukraine​​​​
    Mr Serhii KOPYL, Head of the Small Modular Reactor Projects Development Department, ​ENERGOATOM​

Day 2, Tuesday​, 7 May, International Convention Centre Jeju

Opening Session (Chaired by Mr SEO)
  • Welcoming Remarks
    Mr Mikhail CHUDAKOV, Deputy Director General, Head of the Department of Nuclear Energy, IAEA
  • Congratulatory Address
    Mr Chang Yune LEE, Vice Minister, Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT), Republic of Korea​
  • Congratulatory Address
    Mr Bum Jin CHUNG, ​President, Korea Nuclear Society​
​Plenary Panel Session I: National, regional, and global opportunities and challenges on development and deployment of SMRs (Moderated by Ms Anushya RAMASWAMY, Department of Energy (DOE), USA)​​
Plenary Panel Session II: Demonstration of safety and operating performance for early deployment (Moderated by Mr Won Pil BAEK, KAERI, Republic of Korea)
Plenary Panel Session III: Demonstration of economic competitiveness of SMRs with robust supply chain (Moderated by Ms Nadezhda SALNIKOVA, Afrikantov OKBM, Russia​)
Plenary Panel Session IV: Challenges facing deployment of floating nuclear power plants (Moderated by Mr Heeyong LEE, JEIL Partners, Republic of Korea​)

Day 3, Wednesday​, 8 May, International Convention Centre Jeju

Plenary Panel Session V: Key infrastructure for deployment of SMRs (Moderated by Mr Khammar MRABIT, Ministry of Energy, Mines, Water and Environment (MEMWE)​, Morocco​)
Member States Session​​ ​(Chaired by Mr MOON)
  • ​Opening Remarks​​​
    Mr Joo Hyung MOON, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI)​, Republic of Korea
  • Egypt
    Mr Mohammed MAHDY, Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority (EAEA)
  • Ethiopia
    Mr Awel Abdela HUSEN, Ministry of Innovation and Technology (MiNT)
  • Kenya
    Mr Joe MBURU, Nuclear Power and Energy Agency (NuPEA)
Member States Session​​ ​(Chaired by Mr BUAH-KWOFIE)
  • ​Opening Remarks​​​
    Mr Archibold BUAH-KWOFIE, Ghana Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC), Ghana​
  • Nigeria​​​​
    Mr Awwal BISALLAH, Nigeria Atomic Energy Commission (NAEC)​
  • Libya​​​​
    Mr Musbah ALHENGARI, Libyan Atomic Energy Establishment (LAEE)​
  • Tunisia​​​​
    ​​Mr Adel TRABELSI, National Center for Nuclear Sciences and Technology (CNSTN)​​
Breakout Session (Chaired by Mr SEO)

The results of the online survey

Day 4, Thursday, 9 May, International Convention Centre Jeju

Closing Session: Summary (Chaired by Mr SEO)
  • Chair’s summary
    Mr Jong Tae SEO, Main Chair, Republic of Korea​
  • Closing Remarks
    Mr Jun Ho SHIN, President, KONICOF
  • Concluding remarks and closing of the meeting​
    Ms Carolynn SCHERER, Section Head, INPRO, IAEA​

Day 5, Friday, 10 May (Technical Tour)

  • Institute for Nuclear Science & Technology (Jeju National University)
Useful Information