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10th INPRO Dialogue Forum on Cooperative Approaches to the Back End of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle: Drivers and Legal, Institutional and Financial Impediments
International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles (INPRO)

26-29 May 2015 | IAEA, Vienna, Austria

The 10th INPRO Dialogue Forum is organized within the framework of INPRO Task 2 (Innovations) and Task 4 (Policy and Dialogue). Task 2 is dedicated to investigating innovations in selected nuclear energy technologies, related R&D and innovative institutional arrangements to be deployed in the 21st century, and to supporting Member States pursuing those innovations. This Dialogue Forum is organized in cooperation with the Division of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology of the IAEA Department of Nuclear Energy.

The objectives of the 10th INPRO Dialogue Forum are:

  • to better understand the value of cooperation for the back-end and the implications of that cooperation for spent nuclear fuel (SNF) management;
  • to analyse drivers for cooperation and to identify and analyse impediments including discussions on how to overcome some identified impediments;
  • to discuss in more details impediments which may arise due to diversity of national legislative frameworks, public perception/acceptance and views on the urgency or lack of urgency to implement end-points for SNF or HLW; and
  • to point out potential technological developments that may impact on pros and cons of SNF management through cooperation.

Working Documents


Day 1, Tuesday 26 May

Session 1 - Need for cooperation in the Back-End of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Session 2 - International conventions and national laws/regulations for SNF-transfer of responsibilities, trans-boundary transport

Day 2, Wednesday 27 May

Session 3 - Drivers and Impediments for cooperation in area of Nuclear Fuel Cycle Back End
Session 4 - Time frames and public acceptance

Day 3, Thursday 28 May

Session 4 - Time frames and public acceptance (Cont'd)
Session 5 - Impacts of development of advanced reactors and fuel cycles to SNF management

Day 4, Friday 29 May

Reports from Panel Sessions
Concluding remarks