10-14 October 2011 | IAEA Headquarter, Austria, Vienna
The INPRO Dialogue Forum brings together nuclear technology users and technology holders from interested Member States to discuss issues related to sustainable nuclear energy development and deployment.
A study on Common User Considerations (CUC) by Developing Countries for Future Nuclear Energy Systems (undertaken in 2007-2008) provided a comprehensive summary of the opinion of experts from developing countries considering nuclear power programmes.
The purpose of this workshop – the third in the series of the INPRO Dialogue Forum – is to discuss user considerations (of both developing and developed countries) for small and medium-sized nuclear power reactors (SMRs), in the light of conclusions reached in the CUC study and recent developments in SMR technologies.
The workshop is conducted in cooperation between INPRO and the Nuclear Power Technology Development Section, Division of Nuclear Power, Department of Nuclear Energy, and is an activity in the IAEA TC Project INT/4/142 "Promoting Technology Development and Application of Future Nuclear Energy Systems in Developing Countries".
Working Documents
Session 1: SMR Overview/Considerations by Technology Developers
Session 2: SMR Perspectives/Considerations by Technology Users
Expected Role of Nuclear Option in the Lithuanian Energy Sector
V. Miskinis, Lithuania - Progress of Nuclear Power Programme in Malaysia
M. Puad Haji Abu, Malaysia - Defence-in-Depth Approach in the Design of Small & Medium-sized Reactors
S. Ansari, Pakistan - Polish Energy Sector and Nuclear Energy Programme
A. Chwas, Poland - SMR Considerations: the South African Perspective
N. Mpoza, South Africa - PNuclear Power Development Orientation in Vietnam: Challenges and Preparation Work for the First Nuclear Power Projects: Ninh Thuan 1 and Ninh Thuan 2
D.P. Le, Vietnam - The Nuclear Power Option in Algeria
S. Laouar, Algeria - Activities for the Project of Small Reactor IRT-200 at the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy
I. Ivanov, Bulgaria - Update of Nuclear Energy Prospects in Brazil and the Possible Role of SMRs
O. Gonçalves, Brazil - Perspectives on SMR Reactors Deployment in Egypt: Opportunities and Challenges
K. Yasso & M. Aziz, Egypt - User Consideration on SMR Regarding Nuclear Power Plant Deployment in Indonesia
Adiwardojo, Indonesia - An Overview of the Safety Case for Small Modular Reactors
D. Ingersoll, USA
Session 3: Breakout Session to Identify CUCs on SMRs for Designers and Users
Brainstorming Discussions in Groups - Kick-off Presentations:
Session 4: Common Discussion of Potential CUCs on SMRs
Session 5: Future Actions of INPRO regarding CUCs on SMRs
Closing Session
Closing Statement
Mr Kwaku Aning, IAEA Deputy Director General, Head of the Department of Technical Cooperation