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11th INPRO Dialogue Forum on Roadmaps for a Transition to Globally Sustainable Nuclear Energy Systems
International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles (INPRO)

20-23 October 2015 | IAEA Headquarter, Vienna, Austria​

The 11th INPRO Dialogue Forum is organized within the framework of INPRO Task 1 (Global scenarios) and Task 4 (Policy and Dialogue). Task 1 develops global and regional nuclear energy scenarios, on the basis of scientific-technical analysis, that lead to a global vision of sustainable nuclear energy development in the 21st century. This Dialogue Forum is organized in cooperation with Planning and Economic Studies Section and the Division of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology within the Department of Nuclear Energy, as well as with support from the Department of Safeguards of the IAEA.

The purpose of this 11th Dialogue Forum under the International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles (INPRO) is to:

  • Support implementation of the INPRO collaborative project “Roadmaps for a Transition to Globally Sustainable Nuclear Energy Systems” (ROADMAPS) by providing a review of the draft roadmap template and generating insight into its possible applications;
  • Review the concept of nuclear energy sustainability stages and highlight current preferences of Member States regarding their positions and roles in the global nuclear energy system;
  • Discuss options to amplify synergies among the various nuclear energy technologies by cooperation among countries in the nuclear fuel cycle, including the applicability of experience gained with the front-end fuel cycle services market to the back end of the fuel cycle;
  • Discuss near and medium term actions needed to secure a pathway towards long term global sustainability of nuclear energy;
  • Review drivers for, and impediments to, collaboration among countries in the nuclear fuel cycle aiming at the achievement of globally sustainable nuclear energy.

Working Documents



Approaches to Roadmapping and Issues for Roadmap Development

Near-term Actions to Enhance NES Sustainability Through Collaboration

National Presentation: Options and Preferences of Member States Regarding Their Positions and Roles in the Global Nuclear Energy System

Drivers and Impediments for Collaboration Among Countries in Nuclear Fuel Cycle Towards Globally Sustainable Nuclear Energy

Results and Closing of the Meeting