29 July - 2 August 2013 | IAEA Headquarter, Vienna, Austria
The INPRO Dialogue Forum brings together nuclear technology users, holders and other stakeholders from interested Member States to discuss issues related to sustainable nuclear energy development and deployment.
The 6th Dialogue Forum aims to discuss the following major issues regarding licensing and safety issues of Small and Medium-sized Nuclear Power Reactors (SMRs):
Considerations for SMR designs;
Siting considerations of SMRs;
Application of graded approach in regulatory and licensing process;
Legal and regulatory framework of SMRs;
Public participation in SMR licensing process.
Session 1: Opening and Introduction
- Opening Address
Jong Kyun Park, Director, Division of Nuclear Power - Program Overview and Objectives
P.H.Park, INPRO, IAEA - INPRO Activities in Support of a Transition to Sustainable Nuclear Energy Systems
Z. Drace, INPRO Group Head, IAEA - Summary of Results of the Preparation Consultants Meeting
S. Magruder, NRC, USA - Status of Global SMR Development and Prospects for Deployment
M. H. Subki, Nuclear Power Technology Development Section, IAEA - Licensing Process Considerations for SMRs
R. Gibbs, Division of Nuclear Installation Safety, IAEA - Proposal for a Technology-Neutral Safety Approach for New Reactor Designs
J. Yllera, Division of Nuclear Installation Safety, IAEA
Session 2: Experiences and Preparation for SMR Licensing and Deployment
Member States' Presentations
- Canadian Presentation to the Plenary
M. de Vos, NSC, CANADA - Safety Features and Licensing of ACP100 Design
F.J.Zhong, NPIC, China - Flexblue: a Subsea Reactor Project
C. Lecomte, DCNS, FRANCE - Nuclear Regulation for SMR in India - Current Perspectives
A. Ramakrishna, AERB and J.J. Shri, BARC, INDIA - Status of SMR Development and Challenges for Design Assessment in Japan
T. Mochida, Hitachi-GE, JAPAN - Licensing Review of SMART for Standard Design Approval
Myung Jo Jhung, KINS, REP. OF KOREA - Safety Provisions ofr the KLT-40S Reactor Plant Floating Power Unit
I.A. Bylov, OKBM Afrikantov, RUSSIAN FEDERATION - Status Update on US DoE SMR Licensing Technical Support Program
T. Beville, US DoE, USA - US NRC Efforts to Prepare for Licensing SMR
S. Magruder, NRC, USA
Panel Discussion: Licensing and Safety Issues for SMRs
Session 3: Breakout Session for Licensing and Safety Issues for SMRs
Plenary for Introduction of Breakout Sessions
- Organization Overview of Breakout Sessions
K.Qureshi, INPRO Group, IAEA - Issue Briefing by Group 1
K.Soderholm, Leader Group 1 - Issue Briefing by Group 2
M. DeVos, Leader Group 2 - Issue Briefing by Group 4
S. Magruder, Leader Group 4 - Issue Briefing by Group 5
M. Rawi, Leader Group 5 - INPRO Methodology and SMR: Review and Recommendations for Track 2 Revisions
A.Koriny, INPRO Group, IAEA - INPRO Activities in Support of Global Deployment of SMRs: Collaborative Project RISC and TNPPs
V.Kuznetsov, INPRO Group, IAEA
Session 4: Plenary for Breakout Session Progress Report and International Organizations
Presentations by International Organizations
Session 6: Future Actions on Licensing and Safety Issues for SMRs
Report on the Breakout Session Results
- Survey Results of the Participants’ Responses to the Questionnaire
M. H. Subki, Technical Lead, SMR Technology Development, NENP, IAEA - Summary of Plenaries
D.Ingersoll, USA - Meeting Summary by Chairman
D.Newland, Canada - Future Actions and Suggestions from INPRO Perspective
Z.Drace, INPRO Group Head, IAEA - Closing Remarks
J.K.Park, Director NENP, IAEA
Working Documents
- Group 1: Considerations to take into account in the design of SMRs
- Group 2: Siting Considerations for SMRs
- Group 3: Application of Graded Approach in Regulatory and Licensing Process
- Group 4: Legal and Regulatory Framework of SMRs
- Group 5: Public Participation in SMR Licensing Process
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