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2nd INPRO Dialogue Forum on Nuclear Energy Innovations: Multilaterial Approaches to Susainable Nuclear Energy Deployment - Institutional Challenges

4-7 October 2010 | IAEA Headquarter, Vienna, Austria

Recent INPRO studies are increasingly showing the importance of implementing multilateral approaches to ensure successful and optimal deployment of nuclear energy throughout the 21st century in a sustainable manner. Multilateral approaches have been considered in the past to address certain challenges associated with nuclear energy deployment. They have technical and non-technical challenges.

This workshop focuses on the non-technical – institutional - challenges, which require innovative approaches to be discussed in advance of any successful expanded deployment of nuclear energy systems. The focus of the discussion is on recent multilateral proposals that have a long-term implementation timeframe and will have major implications on the sustainability of nuclear energy.

The workshop is conducted in cooperation between INPRO, the Planning and Economic Studies Section (PESS), Office of External Relations and Policy Coordination (EXPO), the Safety Assessment Section of the Division of Nuclear Installation Safety (NSNI), the Nuclear Power Engineering Section (NPES), and the Division of Nuclear Fuel Cycles and Waste Technology (NEFW).

Working Documents


Opening Session

Session 1: Multilateral Approaches in Nuclear Fuel Cycle (Front and Back-end)

Session 2: Multilateral Approaches in Infrastructure for New Nuclear Power Programs

Session 3: MLA in Safety, Licensing and Regulation

Session 4: Financing Issues in Multilateral Approaches to Nuclear Energy Development

Session 5: Multilateral Approaches in Prototypes and Demonstration of Innovative Technologies

Closing Remarks

Background Material