NORM IX Symposium Program Science - Awareness - Solutions
Presentations | Monday, 23 September 2019 | Opening Plenary Session Miroslav Pinak, IAEA: IAEA's Perspective on NORM - a Cross Cutting Activity "Improving Radiation Protection in Practice" Ruth McBurney, CRCPD: CRCPD and NORM Jean-Francois Lecomte, ICRP: The Unified Approach for Radiological Protection Shengli Niu, ILO: Labour and NORM Jing Chen, UNSCEAR: UNSCEAR's Evaluation of Occupational Exposure to NORM and Natural Radiation Emilie van Deventer, WHO: Natural Radioactivity: A Public Health Perspective Kathy Held, National Commission on Radiation Protection and Measurements: NCRP Activities and NORM/TENORM Jonathan Edwards, United States Environmental Protection Agency: EPA and NORM: A Decades-Long Relationship Jim Hondros, Nuclear Control and Consulting: IRPA Task Group on Radiation Protection in Industries Impacted by NORM Stephane Pepin, ENA: Introducing ENA - the European NORM Association David Allard, CHP, PA Dept. Env. Prot. Bureau of Radiation: A Case of Extremely High Indoor Radon Level in a Southeast Pennsylvania Housing Development |
| Track 1: Aspects of Protection of Workers, the Public and the Environment | Track 2: Regulations and Recommendations for NORM | Tuesday, 24 September 2019 | Track 1A: Decommissioning and Remediation Stuart Walker, EPA: Using the United States Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Superfund Remedial Program's Guidance, Risk Assessment Models, and Tools for the Remediation of Uranium Mine Sites Steven Brown, SHB Inc: Development of Radiological Screening Levels and Associated Gamma Survey Methodologies Being Applied for Radiological Characterization at US DOE Defense-Related Uranium Mines (DRUM) Sites Katie Catlett, Neptune and Compancy, Inc: A Comparison of RESRAD and GoldSim Software for Assessing Radiological Dose at Radioactive Waste Sites Nick Tsurikov, Calytrix Consulting: Computer modelling - are we making a nre generation of professionals ignorant? Alice Jagger, Yarex Consulting: Decommissioning NORM Contaminated Infrastructure: Practical Considerations Fabian Rechberger, Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety: Survey and monitoring of a radiologically contaminated legacy site in Austria Konstantinos Karfopoulos, Greek Atomic Energy Commission: Initiatives for the enhancement of the regulatory and metrogical infrastructure needed to ensure radiation safety in industrial activities involving NORM in TC Europe |
| Track 1B: Phosphate and Phosphogypsum Barbara Mazzilli, IPEN: Radiological evaluation of bricks made with NORM residue Barbara Mazzilli, IPEN: Radiological implications of using phosphogypsum as soil conditioner: a case study of Brazil Douglas Chambers, Arcadis: Radiation risks from selected uses of By-Product Phosphogypsum Neil Beckingham, Mosaic: Challenging the NORM - perceptions and realities of phosphogypsum Mohammad Al-Hwaiti, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University: Distribution and specification of uranium in Jordan phosphate rocks and their phosphate fertilizer industry Mohammed Taha, Nuclear Materials Authority: Natural Radioactivity Assessment of El-Sebeaya Low Grade Phosphate Rock and Hydrochloric Acid Leaching Residue Arabi Abdullahi Suleiman, Centre for Energy Research and Training: NORM, Heavy and Toxic Metals Contamination around Super Phosphate Fertilizer Company Wouter Schroeyers, Hasselt University: Use of phosphogypsum in alkali-activated binders: radiological and leaching assessment Ogunremi Ayorinde, Yaba College of Technology and Federal University of Agriculture: Assessment of Natural Radionuclides in Soil samples and Estimation of Radiation Doses around the proposed Phosphate Mining area in Oshosun, Ogun-State, Nigeria |
| Track 2A: NORM Measurements | Track 2B: Oil and Gas Production Wastes | Wednesday, 25 September 2019 | Track 1A: Waste Management | Track 1B: Rare Earths and Zirconium | Track 2A: Miscellaneous NORM Topics and Stakeholder Communication | Track 2B: Radon - Thoron | Thursday, 26 September 2019 | Track 1A: Water Treatment |
| Track 1B: Industry Challenges | Track 2A: Uranium Recovery Halil Burcin Okyar, IAEA: A new IAEA safety report on occupational radiation protection in the uranium mining and processing industry Halil Burcin Okyar, IAEA: UMEX Project, an IAEA survey of global uranium mining and processing occupational doses Christopher Grossman, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission: US NRC Interim Safety Guide on "Evaluations of Uranium Recovery Facility Surveys of Radon and Radon Progeny in Air and Demonstration of Compliance with 10 CFR 20.1301" Steven Brown, SHB Inc: Radiological Aspects of Alkaline Leach Uranium in Situ Recovery (ISR) Facilities in the United States Bemnet Alemayehu, NRDC: Envrionmental and Public Health Threats of Acid In-Situ Leach (ISL) Uranium Mining Fernando Carvalho, Laboratório de Protecção e Segurança Radiológica Instituto Superior Técnico: Remediation of Uranium Mining Legacy in Protugal Peter Waggitt, Dept of Primary Industry and Resources: Uranium mine remediation in Australia's Northern Territory Yasser Khawassek, Nuclear Materials Authority: Waste Management for Uranium Ore Processing in Nuclear Materials Authority, Egypt |
| Track 2B: Transportation Security Issues Charles Massey, IAEA: The Nuclear Safety and Nuclear Security Interface on NORM Transport: Experience, Challenges and Opportunities Na Li, General Administration of Chinese Customs: Challenges and opportunities for Chinese customs in applying security measures for cargo containers transporting NORM Indunil Liyanage, Sri Lanka Customs: Challenges in applying safety and security measures in NORM alarm assessments in Colombo, Sri Lanka seaport Chonlagarn Iamsumang, IAEA: NORM Transport and Safety Challenges and Opportunities - The Thai Perspective Dritan Prifti, Institute of Applied Nuclear Physics: Challenges in applying safety and security measures in NORM alarms assessment in sea ports and land border points in Albania Lucen Zafimanjato, Institute National des Sciences et Techniques Nucleaires: Safety Security Interface in Madagascar Experience, Challenges and Opportunities with transport of NORM Frank Harris, Rio Tinto: The transport and export of rare earth concentrates containing elevated concentrations of thorium and radium Geri Blanchard, NORM SOLUTIONS LLC: Security and International Transportation of NORM |
| Friday, 27 September 2019 | Clossing Plenary Session | Posters Addo Moses, Ghana Atomic Energy Commission: Measurement of Natural Radioactivity in Soil Samples along Roadways in High Commercial Areas of the Ketu South District of the Volta Region, Ghana Al-Yousifi Yousef, Kuwait Oil Company: A Case Study on Workplace Exposure Monitoring for Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials Chen Jing, Radiation Protection Bureau, Health Canada: An Activity Concentration-Based Proposal for Radon Management in NORM WOrkplaces Fidanchevski Emilija, Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje: Mechanical and Radiological Study of Fly Ash Embedded in the Clay Matrix Helal Nadia, Egyptian Nuclear and Radiological Regulatory Authority: NORM Waste Disposal Alternatives Generated by the Egyptian Oil Industry Karfopoulos Konstantinos, Greek Atomic Energy Commission: Environmental Monitoring Programme Around a Phosphogypsum Disposal Area Katengeza Estiner, University of Malawi, The University of Tokyo: Current Status of Regulation on Radiation in Malawi Kovler Konstantin, National Building Research Institute: A Radon Survey in Israel Involving School Children Using the "RADONTEST" Online System Moreira Edson, Research Reactor Center, CERPq: Naturally Occurring Radionuclides in a Fish Reference Material Muniz Luiza, Jabarra Radioprotecao, Brazil: Proposal for NORM Treatment and Final Disposal in Brazil Murty Venkata Sai Prabhakara, Kuwail Oil Company: Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) in the Oil and Gas Industry - Management and Challenges Noguera Ana, Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay: Radiometric Investigation of Aguas Dulces Black Sands, Uruguay Nyambura Catherine, Kenyatta University: Risk Assessment Due to Consumption of Natural Radionuclides in Cassava from Kilimambogo, Kenya Suseno Heny, Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional Jakarta: Concentrations of Naturally Occurring Radionuclides in Marine Environment of Mamaju, Indonesia Tushe Kozeta, Institute of Applied Nuclear Physics: Study on Indoor Radon Measurements with Passive Method in Schools and Workplaces in Tirana City Wang Nanping, China University of Geosciences: Radionuclide Activity Concentration and Radon Concentration in Soil in the Surrounding Areas of the Phosphate Mine in Yunnan Province, China Reichelt Andreas, TUV SUD Industry Services, Germany: Determination of Radiation Exposure during the Production of Fertilizers by Measurements Wu Yunyun, National Institute for Radiological Protection China: Measurement of the Radon Exhalation Rate and Characteristic Parameters of Aerated Concrete Blocks |
| Workshops | Cradle to Grave Workshop | David S. Allard: Introduction to Radiation Protection and NORM Alex Lopez: NORM Characterization Rick Jacobi: Legal & Regulatory Consideration Philip Egidi: Worker Protection, HP & Compliance Mel Hebert: Packaging/Transport/Disposal Options | Workshop on Continuing Efforts for NORM Regulatory Development and Risk-Informed Decision Making | Max Scott: Historical overview and the need for consistent regulation Bill Kennedy, NCRP: Commentary on NORM/TENORM from the Oil and Gas Industry in the United States Gary Forsee: Domestic Approaches to TENORM Issues and a Draft Regulatory Framework Stephane Pepin, IAEA: TECDOC Presentation Andy Lombardo: Risk Assessment and Effective Risk Communication | ENVIRONET Workshop | Horst Monken Fernandes: Outstanding Gaps in NORM Management and the Need for Additional Effort at the International Community Level: The Path Forward Gert Jonkers: Key Elements of a National NORM Policy and Strategy Wouter Schroeyers: Towards a New Guidance for Establishing a NORM Inventory Horst Monken Fernandes: Assessment of Cost Associated with NORM Management: Progress on Task 3 from the IAEA ENVIRONET NORM PROJECT Boguslaw Michalik: How to Build the National-Level NORM Inventory? An Example Developed from Scratch Cristina Nuccetelli: Processing of Zircon Sands: the Italian Inventory | EPA Risk Assessment Overview
| Stuart Walker: Superfund Radiation Risk Assessment Calculator Training Stuart Walker: RAD Training - Practice Sessions "Rad Risk on the Rock" | IAEA Workshop on the Safe Management of NORM | Session 1: Worker Protection in Industrial Operations Involving NORM | H. Burcin Okyar: IAEA Safety Standards - General Safety Guide on Occupational Radiation Protection (GSG-7) and its coverage for NORM Konstantinos Karfopoulos: Challenges in Regulating NORM for proper Worker Protection-Prior Radiological Characterisation and Realistic Dose Assessment Jim Hondros: Radiation Protection Programme (how to establish and maintain) H. Burcin Okyar: Case Study: ORPAS Peer review and how NORM is covered Teng Iyu Lin: ORPAS 2018 Mission to Indonesia H. Burcin Okyar: Information Exchange Platforms (ORPNET/UMEX/NORMEX) | Session 2: Management of Residues containing NORM from Uranium production and other activities |
NORM IX Monday 23 September.zip
NORM IX Tuesday 24 September.zip
NORM IX Wednesday 25 September.zip
NORM IX Thursday 26 September.zip
NORM IX Friday 27 September.zip
IAEA Workshop.zip
Cradle to Grave Workshop.zip
CRCPD and CDC Workshop.zip
US EPA Workshop.zip
NORM IX in pictures.zip