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NORM IX Symposium Program 

Science - Awareness - Solutions

 NORM IX in pictures


Monday, 23 September 2019
Opening Plenary Session

Track 1: Aspects of Protection of Workers, the Public and the Environment

Boguslaw Michalik, SIlesian Centre for Environmental Radioactivity: A systematic Approach to Occupational Exposure Monitoring and Assessment in NORM Involving Industries

Boguslaw Michalik, SIlesian Centre for Environmental Radioactivity: System of Radiation Protection and Safety in Coal Mining Industry in Poland

Helene Caplin, IRSN: Integrated Approach for Worker's Protection in Industries Involving NORM

Peter Waggitt, Self: NORM and the Northern Territory of Australia

Izabela Chmielewska, Central Mining Institute: 25 Years of Radiological Protection in Polish Coal Mines

Mel Hebert, Independent: 25 Years of NORM Oilfield Worker & Public Radiation Monitoring

Douglas Chambers, Arcadis: Radiation Protection in Mining with a Focus on Radon

Gert Jonkers, Independent: Analytical Consequences Due to the Geo/Radio-Chemistry/Physics of the Members of the Thorium and Uranium Decay Series

Kelly Jones, Public Health England: Dealing with Uncertainties within a Regulatory Framework

Track 2: Regulations and Recommendations for NORM

Jean-Francois Lecomte, ICRP: The ICRP Approach for NORM

H. Burcin Okyar, IAEA: Web-Based Information Exchange Platform on ORP in Industries Involving NORM - NORMEX

Jim Hondros, JRHC Enterprises: Minor Changes Leading to Major Impacts - Practical Implications of New Inhalation Dose Factors in the Mining and Mineral Processing Industry

Philip Egidi, United States Environmental Protection Agency: Developing a Strategy for Effective Management of NORM

Jaekook Lee, Kyung Hee University; Korea Institut of Nuclear Safety: The Implementation of NORM Regulation and Challenges in Korea

Konstantinos Karfopoulos, Greek Atomic Energy Commission: Challenges and Arrangements for the Regulatory Control of the Activities Involving NORM withing the Framework of the Transposition of the 2013/59/EURATOM Directive in Greek Legislation

Cody Cuthill, Normtek Radiation Sevices Ltd.: Canada's Approach to the Management of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM)

Tuesday, 24 September 2019

 Track 1A: Decommissioning and Remediation

Stuart Walker, EPA: Using the United States Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Superfund Remedial Program's Guidance, Risk Assessment Models, and Tools for the Remediation of Uranium Mine Sites

Steven Brown, SHB Inc: Development of Radiological Screening Levels and Associated Gamma Survey Methodologies Being Applied for Radiological Characterization at US DOE Defense-Related Uranium Mines (DRUM) Sites

Katie Catlett, Neptune and Compancy, Inc: A Comparison of RESRAD and GoldSim Software for Assessing Radiological Dose at Radioactive Waste Sites

Nick Tsurikov, Calytrix Consulting: Computer modelling - are we making a nre generation of professionals ignorant?

Alice Jagger, Yarex Consulting: Decommissioning NORM Contaminated Infrastructure: Practical Considerations

Fabian Rechberger, Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety: Survey and monitoring of a radiologically contaminated legacy site in Austria

Konstantinos Karfopoulos, Greek Atomic Energy Commission: Initiatives for the enhancement of the regulatory and metrogical infrastructure needed to ensure radiation safety in industrial activities involving NORM in TC Europe

Track 1B: Phosphate and Phosphogypsum

Barbara Mazzilli, IPEN: Radiological evaluation of bricks made with NORM residue

Barbara Mazzilli, IPEN: Radiological implications of using phosphogypsum as soil conditioner: a case study of Brazil

Douglas Chambers, Arcadis: Radiation risks from selected uses of By-Product Phosphogypsum

Neil Beckingham, Mosaic: Challenging the NORM - perceptions and realities of phosphogypsum

Mohammad Al-Hwaiti, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University: Distribution and specification of uranium in Jordan phosphate rocks and their phosphate fertilizer industry

Mohammed Taha, Nuclear Materials Authority: Natural Radioactivity Assessment of El-Sebeaya Low Grade Phosphate Rock and Hydrochloric Acid Leaching Residue

Arabi Abdullahi Suleiman, Centre for Energy Research and Training: NORM, Heavy and Toxic Metals Contamination around Super Phosphate Fertilizer Company

Wouter Schroeyers, Hasselt University: Use of phosphogypsum in alkali-activated binders: radiological and leaching assessment

Ogunremi Ayorinde, Yaba College of Technology and Federal University of Agriculture: Assessment of Natural Radionuclides in Soil samples and Estimation of Radiation Doses around the proposed Phosphate Mining area in Oshosun, Ogun-State, Nigeria

Track 2A: NORM Measurements

Yunyun Wu, NIRP: Measurement of the Radon Exhalation rate and Characteristic Parameters of Aerated Concrete Blocks

Stephen Sadler, DURRIDGE UK & University of Sheffield: DURRIDGE Continuous Radon Measurement Technology - Present and Future

Elizabeth Ruedig, Environmental Restoration Group: GPS-based gamma survey for decommissioning NORM sites

Leo van Velzen, Private Consultant: NORM characterization and applied metrology in daily routine: Analyze results? I Want it Now (I-WIN)

Arthur Desrosiers, Jacobs Engineering Group: Techniques for Indistinguishable from Background Surveys

Celine Vilmain, Eurofins Eichrom Laboratories: Determination of radioactivity concentrations in building materials with respect to NORM issue

Track 2B: Oil and Gas Production Wastes

David Allard, CHP, PA Dept. Env. Prot. Bureau of Radiation: Findings of the Pennsylvania Oil and Gas Industry TENORM Study

William Lemons, PMET: Mandatory Air Monitoring of NORM Worker Inhalation Exposure from Gas NORM

David Okoh Kpeglo, Ghana Atomic Energy Commission: Assessment of natural radioactivity in petroleum waste from oil fields in Ghana

Ryno Botha, University of the Western Cape & Stellenbosch University: A baseline study of radon in groundwater prior to unconventional shale gas development in the Karoo Basin (South Africa)

Marcelo Valinhas, PETROBRAS S. A: Waste Management of NORM Rejects and Hazardous Waste in offshore oil and gas production in Brazil: a view of the impacts of environmental and radioprotection regulation on the environmental, safety and financial management of high volume of NORM rejects stored

Haydn Barros, Simon Bolivar University: TENORM accumulation in oil tube's radioactive scales at Venezuelan Industry: characterization and proposed solutions

James Uhlemeyer, Kansas Dept of Health and Environment: Scoping NORM Waste from Drill Cuttings in Kansas

Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Track 1A: Waste Management

Zhiwen Fan, IAEA: Update on Development of IAEA Safety Standards for NORM Residues Management

Stephane Pepin, FANC: Regulations on management of NORM residues in Belgium: lessons and challenges

Leo van Velzen, EURSSEM Environmental: International Network of Laboratories for Nuclear Waste Characterization (IAEA-LABONET): Support of the Non-Nuclear Industry at the characterization of NORM

Roman Bilak, Terralog Technologies Inc. (TTI): Achieving Zero-Discharge NORM Waste Disposal using Slurry Fracture Injection (SFI) Technology

Benjamin Klein, Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature, Conservation and Nuclear Safety: Regulatory framework for the handling of radiologically relevant legacy sites in Germany

Talal Almahayni, Belgium Nuclear Research Centre: Leaching of naturally occurring radionuclides from roadway pavements stabilised with coal fly ash: A case study from the U.S.

Track 1B: Rare Earths and Zirconium

Thammiris M. El Hajj, UNIFAL-MG: Radiological and mineralogical characterization of the tailings of a niobium ore treatment plant in Brazil

Abayomi Ajetunmobi, Federal University of Agriculture: Determination of cleanup critera and estimation of radiological risks of Artisan miners in selected tantalite mining sites in Oke-Ogun, Oyo State, Nigeria

Lisa Szegedi, Arcadis: Determining Coal Ash Impacts on Radium and Thorium Background Levels in Soil Using Rare Earth Element Analysis

IyuLin Teng, Atomic Energy Licensing Board: Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) Waste Management

Charles Simmons, Law Office of Charles T. Simmons: Zircon and Zirconia under the U.S. System of TENORM Regulation

Track 2A: Miscellaneous NORM Topics and Stakeholder Communication

Yunxuan Liao, Nuclear and Radiation Safety Center of MEE: Some Proposals on Technical Requirement for Radiation Environmental Impact of Industrial Activities Involving NORM

Mila Pelkonen, Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority: FINNORM-Steps towards surveying the NORM in Finland

Qifan Wu, Department of Engineering Physics of Tsinghua University: Environmental Radiation Impact of the NORM Activities in China

Guofeng Zheng, Nuclear and Radiation Safety Center: Preliminary analysis of the results of NORMs in the second Nationwide Pollution Sources Survey

Peter Olagbaju, Federal University of Agriculture: Distribution of naturally occurring radionuclide and mineralogical characterization of soil of ljeby Ife. Ogun State, Nigeria

Chun Yang, Ministry of Ecology and Environment: Introduction to Radiation Environmental Regulation for Exploitation and Utilization of Other Radioactive Mines in China

Xiaowei Xiong, Nuclear and Radiation Safety Center: Discharge Limits of Development and Utilization of Effluents from NORM Industries

Track 2B: Radon - Thoron

Pam Warkentin, CARST: Radon in Canada - Protecting Canadians in their Indoor Environment

Peter Schmidt, Wismut GmbH: Measurement of indoor radon concentrations at uranium mining legacy sites and sites of elevated natural radioactivity with the aim of deriving mitigation measures

Saidou, Institute of Geological and Mining Research and Institute of Radiation Emergency Medicine: Measurement of indoor radon concentrations at uranium mining legacy sites and sites of elevated natural radioactivity with the aim of deriving mitigation measures

Budha Ram Shah, Nepal Academy of Science and Technology: Assessment of Radon Concentration in Earthquake Affected Areas of Nepal

Margaret Chege, Kenyatta University: Thoron: The unrecognized carcinogen in earthen dwellings typical to rural Africa and Asia

Thursday, 26 September 2019 

Track 1A: Water Treatment

Billy Dam, Billy Dam Consulting: Enhancing Jordanian National Capabilities in Investigation and Treatment of Natural Radioactivity in Drinking Water: Hydrogeology, Geochemistry and Radium Removal

Izabela Chmielewska, Central Mining Institute: NORM in formation waters in polish coal mines

James McCullough, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection: Evaluation of the production and disposition of TENORM (Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurrring Radioactive Materials) waste generated from water treatment activities in Southern New Jersey

Krishan Kant, Aggarwal College Ballabgarh: Radioactivity level estimation by using alpha scintillation detector based Smart RnDuo monitor in the water samples

Mathilde Zebracki, IRSN: Importance of redox interfaces regarding the fate and behavior of radium in surface waters impacted by NORMs

Track 1B: Industry Challenges

Gert Jonkers, Private Consultant: Geothermal Energy and NORM in the Netherlands

Fernando Carvalho, Laboratório de Protecção e Segurança Radiológica Instituto Superior Técnico: Coal mining and natural radioactivity in the coastal area of Halong Bay in North Vietnam

Nick Tsurikov, Calytrix Consulting: NORM in Western Australia - plenty of mineral but not enough human resources

Guofeng Zheng, Nuclear and Radiation Safety Center : Preliminary analysis of the results of NORMs in the second Nationwide Pollution Sources Survey

Taiwo Aluko, Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta Ogun State Nigeria: Radiological assessment of mining activities in some parts of Oyo State South Western Nigeria

Art Nash, University of Alaska Fairbanks: Communicating Retesting Protocol During and After Subsurface Disturbing Disasters

Track 2A: Uranium Recovery

Halil Burcin Okyar, IAEA: A new IAEA safety report on occupational radiation protection in the uranium mining and processing industry

Halil Burcin Okyar, IAEA: UMEX Project, an IAEA survey of global uranium mining and processing occupational doses

Christopher Grossman, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission: US NRC Interim Safety Guide on "Evaluations of Uranium Recovery Facility Surveys of Radon and Radon Progeny in Air and Demonstration of Compliance with 10 CFR 20.1301"

Steven Brown, SHB Inc: Radiological Aspects of Alkaline Leach Uranium in Situ Recovery (ISR) Facilities in the United States

Bemnet Alemayehu, NRDC: Envrionmental and Public Health Threats of Acid In-Situ Leach (ISL) Uranium Mining

Fernando Carvalho, Laboratório de Protecção e Segurança Radiológica Instituto Superior Técnico: Remediation of Uranium Mining Legacy in Protugal

Peter Waggitt, Dept of Primary Industry and Resources: Uranium mine remediation in Australia's Northern Territory

Yasser Khawassek, Nuclear Materials Authority: Waste Management for Uranium Ore Processing in Nuclear Materials Authority, Egypt

Track 2B: Transportation Security Issues

Charles Massey, IAEA: The Nuclear Safety and Nuclear Security Interface on NORM Transport: Experience, Challenges and Opportunities

Na Li, General Administration of Chinese Customs: Challenges and opportunities for Chinese customs in applying security measures for cargo containers transporting NORM

Indunil Liyanage, Sri Lanka Customs: Challenges in applying safety and security measures in NORM alarm assessments in Colombo, Sri Lanka seaport

Chonlagarn Iamsumang, IAEA: NORM Transport and Safety Challenges and Opportunities - The Thai Perspective

Dritan Prifti, Institute of Applied Nuclear Physics: Challenges in applying safety and security measures in NORM alarms assessment in sea ports and land border points in Albania

Lucen Zafimanjato, Institute National des Sciences et Techniques Nucleaires: Safety Security Interface in Madagascar Experience, Challenges and Opportunities with transport of NORM

Frank Harris, Rio Tinto: The transport and export of rare earth concentrates containing elevated concentrations of thorium and radium

Geri Blanchard, NORM SOLUTIONS LLC: Security and International Transportation of NORM

Friday, 27 September 2019 

Clossing Plenary Session

NORM IX: Report of Sessions Rapporteurs

Leo van Velzen: NORM X Symposium

H. Burcin Okyar and Kelly Jones: Overarching NORM Issues


Addo Moses, Ghana Atomic Energy Commission: Measurement of Natural Radioactivity in Soil Samples along Roadways in High Commercial Areas of the Ketu South District of the Volta Region, Ghana

Al-Yousifi Yousef, Kuwait Oil Company: A Case Study on Workplace Exposure Monitoring for Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials

Chen Jing, Radiation Protection Bureau, Health Canada: An Activity Concentration-Based Proposal for Radon Management in NORM WOrkplaces

Fidanchevski Emilija, Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje: Mechanical and Radiological Study of Fly Ash Embedded in the Clay Matrix

Helal Nadia, Egyptian Nuclear and Radiological Regulatory Authority: NORM Waste Disposal Alternatives Generated by the Egyptian Oil Industry

Karfopoulos Konstantinos, Greek Atomic Energy Commission: Environmental Monitoring Programme Around a Phosphogypsum Disposal Area

Katengeza Estiner, University of Malawi, The University of Tokyo: Current Status of Regulation on Radiation in Malawi

Kovler Konstantin, National Building Research Institute: A Radon Survey in Israel Involving School Children Using the "RADONTEST" Online System

Moreira Edson, Research Reactor Center, CERPq: Naturally Occurring Radionuclides in a Fish Reference Material

Muniz Luiza, Jabarra Radioprotecao, Brazil: Proposal for NORM Treatment and Final Disposal in Brazil

Murty Venkata Sai Prabhakara, Kuwail Oil Company: Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) in the Oil and Gas Industry - Management and Challenges

Noguera Ana, Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay: Radiometric Investigation of Aguas Dulces Black Sands, Uruguay

Nyambura Catherine, Kenyatta University: Risk Assessment Due to Consumption of Natural Radionuclides in Cassava from Kilimambogo, Kenya

Suseno Heny, Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional Jakarta: Concentrations of Naturally Occurring Radionuclides in Marine Environment of Mamaju, Indonesia

Tushe Kozeta, Institute of Applied Nuclear Physics: Study on Indoor Radon Measurements with Passive Method in Schools and Workplaces in Tirana City

Wang Nanping, China University of Geosciences: Radionuclide Activity Concentration and Radon Concentration in Soil in the Surrounding Areas of the Phosphate Mine in Yunnan Province, China

Reichelt Andreas, TUV SUD Industry Services, Germany: Determination of Radiation Exposure during the Production of Fertilizers by Measurements

Wu Yunyun, National Institute for Radiological Protection China: Measurement of the Radon Exhalation Rate and Characteristic Parameters of Aerated Concrete Blocks

Cradle to Grave Workshop

David S. Allard: Introduction to Radiation Protection and NORM

Alex Lopez: NORM Characterization

Rick Jacobi: Legal & Regulatory Consideration

Philip Egidi: Worker Protection, HP & Compliance

Mel Hebert: Packaging/Transport/Disposal Options

Workshop on Continuing Efforts for NORM Regulatory Development and Risk-Informed Decision Making

Max Scott: Historical overview and the need for consistent regulation

Bill Kennedy, NCRP: Commentary on NORM/TENORM from the Oil and Gas Industry in the United States

Gary Forsee: Domestic Approaches to TENORM Issues and a Draft Regulatory Framework

Stephane Pepin, IAEA: TECDOC Presentation

Andy Lombardo: Risk Assessment and Effective Risk Communication


Horst Monken Fernandes: Outstanding Gaps in NORM Management and the Need for Additional Effort at the International Community Level: The Path Forward

Gert Jonkers: Key Elements of a National NORM Policy and Strategy

Wouter Schroeyers: Towards a New Guidance for Establishing a NORM Inventory

Horst Monken Fernandes: Assessment of Cost Associated with NORM Management: Progress on Task 3 from the IAEA ENVIRONET NORM PROJECT

Boguslaw Michalik: How to Build the National-Level NORM Inventory? An Example Developed from Scratch

Cristina Nuccetelli: Processing of Zircon Sands: the Italian Inventory

EPA Risk Assessment Overview

Stuart Walker: Superfund Radiation Risk Assessment Calculator Training

Stuart Walker: RAD Training - Practice Sessions "Rad Risk on the Rock"

​​IAEA Workshop on the Safe Management of NORM

Session 1: Worker Protection in Industrial Operations Involving NORM

H. Burcin Okyar: IAEA Safety Standards - General Safety Guide on Occupational Radiation Protection (GSG-7) and its coverage for NORM

Konstantinos Karfopoulos: Challenges in Regulating NORM for proper Worker Protection-Prior Radiological Characterisation and Realistic Dose Assessment

Jim Hondros: Radiation Protection Programme (how to establish and maintain)

H. Burcin Okyar: Case Study: ORPAS Peer review and how NORM is covered

Teng Iyu Lin: ORPAS 2018 Mission to Indonesia

H. Burcin Okyar: Information Exchange Platforms (ORPNET/UMEX/NORMEX)

Session 2: Management of Residues containing NORM from Uranium production and other activities

Stephane Pepin: Introduction to development IAEA Safety Standards for Management of Residues Containing Naturally Occurring Radioactive material from Uranium Production and Other NORM Activities (SSG-60)

Gary Forsee: Origin and characterization of NORM residues

Stephane Pepin: Regulatory framework in graded approach

Gary Forsee: Strategy of NORM residues management and consideration of long-term safety

NORM IX Monday 23 September.zip

NORM IX Tuesday 24 September.zip

NORM IX Wednesday 25 September.zip

NORM IX Thursday 26 September.zip

NORM IX Friday 27 September.zip

IAEA Workshop.zip

Cradle to Grave Workshop.zip

CRCPD and CDC Workshop.zip


US EPA Workshop.zip

NORM IX in pictures.zip